Chapter: 805

"You are more than Sequence 9, you have something very special." Sharon looked at him quietly with blue eyes and said with a very firm tone.

"Haha." Klein could only respond with a dry laugh.

Sharon's illusory voice sounded again: "And you still have that 'eye'."

that eye? It refers to the "all black eye" left by "Master of Puppet" Rosago? Klein nodded slightly and said: "But I can only use a little bit, and it can't play a big role, because it contains the spiritual pollution of the 'True Creator'."

"Enough." Sharon's words were always so concise.

Maric added: "The Sequence 5 Extraordinary we need to deal with has the same characteristics as Sharon, your 'eye' can help find him."

At this time, Sharon spoke again: "Maric is the first bait."

"I'm the second bait."

"And you're the problem hunter."

"I can't guarantee absolute safety."

"But you are certainly safer than us."

It's quite kind, but you can only believe it if you have confirmed it through divination... Klein pondered for a few seconds and said, "I need to understand the characteristics of the other party and the situation of the corresponding sealed item. Only in this way can I make a decision."

Sharon, who was wearing a long black court dress, slightly pursed her bloodless lips, looked sideways at Maric, and nodded slightly.

Maric clasped his hands, and said with a hint of madness: "You should know the 'prisoner' approach, right?"

"Yes, I've heard of it in the Extraordinary circle." Klein replied frankly.

Of course, this extraordinary circle refers to the Nighthawks team and the Tarot Society... He added with a sigh in his heart.

Maric didn't know what he recalled, and was silent for more than ten seconds. The sound of the wheels of the carriage rolling over the concrete road outside the window came in rhythmically.

He rubbed his messy brown hair, and said with a slightly distorted face: "Prisoners not only refer to people who are locked in prison, but also represent oppressors whose spirituality and desires are bound by reason, body, and the world. This sequence Extraordinary people are physically strong, have keen perception, often have a silent appearance and a crazy heart at the same time, master many criminal skills, and are good at killing people with any item they get at hand."

"Its corresponding Sequence 8 is called 'Madman'. I don't think you know it well, because even the orthodox Extraordinary institutions of the Seven Great Churches don't know enough about these. That secret organization has more control over its members than you can imagine. Those The distorted guys seem to be bound regardless of body and soul, and it is difficult to get any useful information from them simply by psychic and divination."

"Sharon and I endured and waited for a long time before we found a way to release the 'shackles' and successfully escaped."

"Because Extraordinary people in this path are cursed and prone to madness, we don't want to take refuge in the Seven Great Churches. They will lose their freedom completely, and there will be nothing left."

It turned out to be like this... No wonder there aren't many records in the internal data of the Nighthawks, not even the Sequence 8 and Sequence 7 corresponding to the "prisoner". This belongs to the part that I could know at the level at that time... Klein replied in a daze : "I don't really know what happened after 'Prisoner'."

Maric didn't nod, looked at Klein with brown eyes, and continued: "Compared to the 'prisoner', the biggest characteristic of the 'madman' is that he can sacrifice his reason on his own initiative and burst out his desires in exchange for power and gain everything. In terms of improvement, there is no big problem except that the mind will become less clear during that time, and it will even gain a strong resistance to some extraordinary abilities that interfere with thoughts and affect the spirit."

To put it simply, if I kill myself first, you won't be able to kill me anymore... Klein couldn't help but slander.

"From this sequence, the curse gradually appeared, and the 'crazy' is easy to lose control." Maric said with a twitch of his face muscles.

Isn't this an obvious thing to do? If a person's mental state has been running at a low ebb for a long time, or has frequent abnormalities, the probability of losing control is no higher than that of other extraordinary people, so it is not normal! Klein had his own understanding of this. He glanced sideways at Miss Sharron, feeling that it was difficult for him to imagine what she looked like in the "prisoner" and "lunatic" stages, but Sharron still maintained that erratic and quiet look like a female ghost. state.

Seeing that he didn't say anything, Maric breathed out slowly and said, "The next Sequence 7 is, it's a 'werewolf'."

Alienation started? However, in the eyes of normal people, the crazy "prisoner" and the "lunatic" who tend to lose their minds are actually similar to other types... Well, the "werewolf" is actually only Sequence 7, which is a little lower than I expected... Klein His thoughts suddenly spread out.

Maric didn't notice that he was in a trance, and said to himself: "The 'Werewolf' is already a complete cursed person. Every time the red moon turns round, he will lose most of his sanity and grow black hair all over his body. The desire to kill and bloodthirsty reached its peak..."

His voice gradually became a little erratic, as if recalling the experience of suffering and suppressing himself.