Chapter: 826

"No, I haven't heard of it." Audrey answered cautiously using the knowledge she came into contact with in the circle of mysticism lovers.

In fact, I have already figured out what is a big year and what is a big moon from Mr. "The Hanged Man"... she added with a smile in her heart.

"The big year refers to the number of years required for the rotation axis of the planet we are on to deviate one circle, a total of 2592 years. In the field of occultism, this is considered to be a complete cycle, from beginning to end, and the big moon refers to this The number of years that this shift passes through one of the twelve constellations, each big moon is 216 years, when the big moon alternates, terrible disasters will come, according to calculations, we are not many years away from the end of the current big moon..." Yi Silent talked eloquently, keeping the atmosphere in a harmonious state.

Audrey concealed the fact that she didn't know much, and asked wrong questions in a curious tone from time to time.

In this way, the wonderful afternoon tea time passed quickly, and Alucard and Escalante got up to say goodbye at the same time, and left Mrs. Norma's house.

This made Audrey quite disappointed. She thought that the other party would hint about the Psychological Alchemy Society in the end, but they didn't say anything.

Well, as a secretive organization that cannot be exposed, the examination of potential members is not so simple and direct... It seems that at least a few times of contact and a period of secret observation are required before they can decide whether to disclose information to me and pull me Joining the club... that's fine, I happen to report to Mister Fool first! Audrey quickly figured out the reason.

She then offered to leave, and after Mrs. Norma sent her to the door, she smiled and said: "Audrey, I see that you are also very interested in psychology? Why don't you consider trying to get married before getting married?" Do you want to be a psychiatrist?"

"The Earl and Mrs. Hall are believers of the goddess, and they should support you in doing similar things."

Among the nobles, if it is not a special situation such as a financial crisis, it will take a long process to reach a marriage. They must go through strict consideration and comparison before they can make a decision, because this is not just a matter of two young people, but also involves Family alliances and mutual aid.

Therefore, although aristocratic women can officially enter social occasions under the guidance of the queen after one year old, declare themselves adults, and can consider marriage, but according to statistics, they often start a family after the age of 26.

Similarly, aristocratic men going into the military and into politics married at an average age of 2.5 for the first time.

In other words, when Audrey becomes an adult, she will have about a year to do what she likes to do.

The Evernight Goddess Church has always encouraged female believers to go out to work and engage in certain occupations. In the aristocratic circle, many ladies and ladies have become literary critics, musicians, pianists, painters, and so on.

Is this a test? Audrey responded with a smile: "Then I still need to read more books."

In fact, she has always felt that it is not safe for people from the Psychological Alchemist Association to be psychologists or psychologists, because the senior officials of official organizations such as Nighthawks and Punishers should know how to impersonate, and they must pay more attention to this group.

Mrs. Norma seemed to be quite satisfied with her answer, she nodded and said with a smile: "Escalante and Alucard are both good teachers."

"Well, maybe I can consider asking Miss Escalante to be my psychology tutor." Audrey nodded obediently.


On Sunday morning, after Klein woke up, he found that the map of Backlund on the coffee table in the living room had been circled in several places, and they were not too far apart. So, he followed the prompts and spent the whole morning carefully Familiarize yourself with the surrounding environment, find out what specific buildings are there, and where the nearest church is.

In the afternoon, when he became free again, he went to the Kragg Club again, preparing to practice marksmanship and extraordinary abilities.

As soon as he entered the hall, he saw the surgeon Alan Kress slowly coming out of the cafeteria with a cane.

After saying hello, he asked with concern: "Alan, how are you doing recently? Has your fortune improved?"

Allen, who was naturally indifferent, showed a sincere smile on his face: "At least I'm not so unlucky!"

"As you suggested, I went to the church and told the bishop about it, and he asked me to go directly to the confession room to pray to the goddess."

"While praying, I actually fell asleep, but I seem to feel that the goddess has given me a state of peace and tranquility. Since then, my fortune has been normal!"

"Praise the goddess!"

He drew a crimson moon on his chest.

According to my experience, it should be a certain Sequence 7 "Nightmare" who put you into a deep sleep, and then the nighthawks who are good at rituals quickly set up the altar, prayed to the goddess, and neutralized your bad luck... Klein turned up The corner of his mouth said: "This is really great!"

At this time, Allen glanced at him and said, "Sherlock, I always felt that your belief in the god of steam and machinery was not devout enough, why didn't you change your belief? You see, here is my example, believe in the goddess! "