Chapter: 833

"I request a private conversation."

Klein quickly switched back to himself, nodded indifferently and said, "Yes."

When the "Magician" and the others were blocked, "World" looked at "Sun" and said, "Does the City of Silver have a way to remove the spiritual pollution of evil gods in Extraordinary characteristics?"

This is something Klein wanted to ask a few times before, but considering "justice", they might also be interested, and when "the sun" can't answer and involves evil gods, all eyes will be on the godlike Mr. Fool, he restrained his impulse again until he got the inspiration from Miss Justice and came up with the method of communicating alone.

"We haven't encountered an evil god. The sun." Derrick replied sincerely, "We only have a way to separate the mental pollution of those out of control in the Extraordinary characteristics."

This is it! This might work, after all, I have a gray fog... Klein suppressed his joy, and asked "The World" to ask, "What reward do you need?"

"It's not a matter of remuneration." Sun shook his head and said, "The method and corresponding knowledge are at least qualified to be contacted by patrol captains or even exploration team captains. The former requires a Sequence 7, and the latter requires a minimum of a Sequence 6." .�

Phew... Klein sighed, causing The World to say hoarsely, "I hope you can qualify as soon as possible."

After the "World" and "Sun" communicated individually, this Tarot gathering entered a free chat session. "Justice" Audrey asked about the unique scenery and anecdotes on the sea with great interest, "The Hanged Man "Alger selectively described it based on his own knowledge.

"Magician" Forsi listened quietly, gradually got inspiration, wanted to write a book about the Pirate King, about him capturing a female passenger, and had a love-hate relationship with her, a story where fantasy and reality coexisted.

"The Sun" Derrick can only imagine what the sea looks like based on the paintings and corresponding texts collected by the City of Silver.

At the end, Klein, whose spirituality was gradually exhausted, announced the end of the Tarot meeting, and quickly returned to the real world to take a nap.


At 7:30 in the evening, in Queens District, in a house that seemed to belong to a certain nobleman.

Forsi put on a robe with a hood, and after many days, she participated in the party organized by Mr. A again.

She sat quietly in the corner, looked around pretending to be casual, and found that Mr. A, who was sitting alone on the single sofa, seemed a little different from before.

This was not a change in appearance or temperament, because the other party's face was completely hidden in the shadow of the hood, and Fors couldn't see clearly at all.

She felt different, just an almost intuitive feeling:

Mr. A is no longer as laid-back and indifferent as before. He always looks down at everyone. Now he seems to be very depressed, trying to control something, and the danger expectations are soaring.

In the past, Mr. A was a big mountain, but now he is closer to a poisonous snake that straightened its body and spit out its core... The best-selling author Forsi suddenly rejoiced that she wanted to hide the Tarot Society, so as not to let Xio know that she was buying the sun. Items in the field, did not come with her.

In this way, even if there are any unexpected changes, my escape will be much easier... Forsi turned the bracelet with only two stones left.

She was not in a hurry to write down her needs on a note and give it to the waiter, but waited patiently for a while.

It wasn't that she was inherently cautious, but that the lessons she had learned in the past had left a deep impression on her, as evidenced by the fact that there were only two stones left on the bracelet.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, she finally picked up the paper and pen in front of her, and wrote in deliberately distorted handwriting: "I want to buy magical items or powerful extraordinary weapons in the Sun Realm."

After handing the note to the waiter, Fors looked around again, but she couldn't find the "Eternal Blazing Sun" believer who helped hold the purification and exorcism ceremony last time among the many disguised or disguised figures.

A series of transactions were fermenting and brewing while the waiters shuttled back and forth, and the whole hall was quiet and orderly.

After the discussion and exchange in the middle, Forsi's needs were added to the two blackboards at the front.

Not long after, she received a reply from the waiter.

A small piece of white paper was filled with dense words: "Mysterious item, the 'ring of light' ring, it can make the wearer an emissary of light, a servant of the sun, immune to many diseases, master the power of the divine, wear it Those who can summon dazzling beams of light, can use many spells in the sun domain, and can purify undead within a range of 50 meters, are the nemesis of such creatures."

"Through this ring, what the wearer approves, will be enhanced, and what the wearer disapproves, will be weakened."