Chapter: 870

"Go back, my investigation and interview are almost done." After a long time, Mike sighed.

The three of them immediately turned around and went to the outside of the factory area. They were silent all the way, and no one spoke.

When we were about to part, Mike glanced at Klein, and said in a low voice, "Tell me, if the unprotected white lead factories are closed, or their bosses are brought to court, can those female workers find other things to do?" ?�

Klein thought about it seriously and said, "If it's just a few, it's not a big problem, but some female workers may suffer from hunger and cold in the process of finding other jobs, and gradually lose their labor force, because they have no savings at all."

"If there are too many closures in a short period of time, plus people who will lose their jobs passively after the application of the new textile machines, it will be a disaster."

In the Backlund factory area alone, there may be thousands or even tens of thousands of unemployed workers. They have no food and clothing, and they wander the streets like living corpses, or lower their salary requirements, and compete for the jobs of other workers... The entire East District does not know. How many people will die because of this, or live a more difficult life, it will be a scene like hell, even if there is no extraordinary power in this world, it will bring great disasters, and now, various evil gods are secretly coveting and waiting... �Klein swallowed many words back into his stomach.

Mike became silent again, and after paying 10 pounds and 6 solis, he left the factory area with thick smoke in a carriage.

Klein watched the carriage go away and didn't speak for a long time.

When he was a Nighthawk, he knew and had contact with the lives of those poor people, but he was not as impressed as this time.

All-round, three-dimensional observation completely presents an abyss in the world before his eyes.

There are dangers hidden everywhere in the Eastern District, and there are hidden fires. If you are not careful, you may be ignited by some cult organization... Klein pondered for a few seconds and said: "Kole, I want you to help me pay attention to the situation in various aspects of the Eastern District. Well, in your spare time."

"I will pay you so that you can have money to establish friendship with other workers. We will meet at the cafe at a fixed time every week."

Old Kohler's eyes lit up immediately: "No problem!"

He did not mention the price, fully trusting the good Mr. Detective.

Klein deliberated and said, "Every time we meet, I will give you 15 soli as a fee plus a reward. If the information you provide satisfies me, there will be an additional 5 soli as a reward."

"One pound?" Old Kohler blurted out in astonishment.

During the warmest and happiest years he lived, his weekly salary was only 21 soli, which is 1 pound 1 soli.

"Yes." Klein nodded and said, "You have to pay attention to your words and deeds, don't be too eager to gather information, and keep asking less and listening more, otherwise, you will bear certain dangers."

Theoretically speaking, this kind of informant fee can be reimbursed. However, I am now a fivepenny party who brings my own dry food... Klein half sighed and half laughed at himself.


In Queens District, in the luxurious villa of Earl Hall's family, in the exclusive study of Miss Audrey.

The blond girl was listening to the psychology teacher Ms. Escalante's narration, stroking the big dog Susie squatting next to her from time to time.

Escalante Osislaika with waist-length black hair noticed that the dog seemed to be listening very seriously, so he couldn't help but smiled and paused for two seconds.

Then, she went on to introduce: "At present, there is no absolutely orthodox theory in the field of psychology. There are several schools, such as psychoanalysis, personality analysis, and behavioral psychology."

"Of course, the research on mind and spirit is not only done by psychologists and psychiatrists. Many professionals in the field of occultism are also doing similar work. Among them, the most famous one is, oh, sorry, I deviated from The textbook is over, let us return to the topic just now, and talk about the school of psychoanalysis first."

Audrey clearly heard the other party's seductive intentions, pretending to be ignorant and curiously asked: "Teacher, I would like to know more about the psychological research in the field of mysticism."

"You know, I'm very interested in this aspect."

Escalante pursed her lips, frowned slightly, and said in embarrassment: "But this involves some secrecy oaths, I mean, these theories, these research situations, belong to the secrets of certain occult circles, and are only spread internally. "

"Is that so... Then, can I join?" Audrey asked expectantly, "They shouldn't be involved in evil things, right?"

"Ha, how is that possible? It's just a seminar organized by enthusiasts." After Islant mentioned something, he took the initiative to change the subject, "We'll talk about this matter later, let's continue the course first."