Chapter: 899

"For example, the lowest level of consciousness is like an endless sea, and the unique consciousness of each of us is an island on the sea, which can be divided into two parts, hidden under the water, more and greater subconsciousness , the surface consciousness that is exposed on the sea surface and can be noticed at ordinary times.

"That's part of the theoretical basis of this school of psychology."

Audrey glanced at Susie, touched the golden hair on its neck and said, "So, we can use the interconnected sea to influence other people's consciousness, and achieve the purpose of treating certain mental illnesses?"

This is the mystical foundation and extraordinary ability of the "psychiatrist"? But it seems that it is not enough, what is missing, like, the sky above, the sky that covers everything? Audrey thought curiously with a ignorant expression.

"You are really talented in this area!" Escalante praised in surprise, "But we can only affect the surrounding sea area, and through it affect the people who are close to it. If we rashly go deep and explore the 'Ocean', it is easy to get lost Own."

She looked up at the gorgeous and complicated wall clock on the wall, and said with a smile: "It's time, today's class is over, Miss Audrey, if you are interested in this genre of psychology, let's continue our chat next time."

"Okay." Audrey stood up and saluted.

In the process of watching the other party leave, she nodded thoughtfully:

Ms. Escalante is not like a real "psychologist", at most she is a "mind reader" like me...

What she just said was the theoretical basis of the Psychological Alchemy Society?

They are really calm, why don't they invite me to join the club...

While Audrey was thinking, Susie said happily beside her: "Audrey, I feel that she is the same person as us, no, the same dog, no, it's not right...Wow!"

Susie, who only had a preliminary grasp of human language, fell into confusion and couldn't find accurate words to describe her feelings.


South area of ??the bridge, Rose Street, outside Harvest Church.

Klein, dressed normally, looked up at the Holy Emblem of Life on the outer wall. Holding a cane, he climbed up the steps and walked through the gate.

The first thing he has to do is to confirm the situation.

Only in this way can the performance be better, in order to skillfully rescue the vampire Emlyn White without arousing suspicion, and then, as the detective who provided clues, accept the thanks of the White family and win the applause of the audience.

It's going to be an interesting show.

The Harvest Church is not big, it only has one prayer hall. Klein found a seat by the aisle, took off his hat, and looked forward.

Bishop Utravsky was preaching. His height of more than 2.20 meters and his burly physique that could not be concealed by loose priest robes gave people a great sense of oppression.

However, his expression was unusually gentle, with praise and gratitude for life.

In front of such a "priest", no one dared to make noise, and the few believers listened quietly, making prayer gestures unique to the Church of the Mother Earth from time to time.

Klein observed carefully, waiting patiently, neither arrogant nor impetuous.

With the sermon over, he grasped his cane, ready to rise for the follow-up.

At this moment, a man wearing a priest's robe from the Church of the Mother Earth entered the door leading to the room at the back of the church.

He was in his mid-twenties, with black hair and red pupils, high nose bridge, thin lips, handsome but not masculine enough, it was Emlyn White.

Klein's mouth opened little by little, and it was almost impossible to close it.

Shouldn't this guy be locked up in the basement?

Hadn't he been yelling to keep his faith and never obey Bishop Utravsky's ideas?