Chapter: 9

After re-stuffing the pistol, Zhou Mingrui put his left hand in his pocket like that and didn't take it out again.

He pressed his hat with his right hand, opened the door, and came out with a bang.

The corridor during the daytime was still dim, and the sunlight that could penetrate through the windows at the end was quite limited. Zhou Mingrui quickly walked down the stairs and left the apartment, only to feel the splendor and warmth.

Although it is approaching July at this time, it is midsummer, but Tingen is located in the north of the Loen Kingdom, and has unique climate characteristics. The highest temperature in a year is less than 30 degrees Celsius on Earth, and it is even cooler in the morning, and there are dirty water flowing in some places on the street. In Klein's memory, places where low-income people live, even if they have sewers, similar scenes are not uncommon, because there are so many people and life.

"Come here, delicious pan-fried meat and fish!"

"Hot and fresh oyster soup, drink a bowl in the morning, and you will be energetic all day long!"

"Fresh fish from the port is only 5p a piece!"

�Small muffins, eel soup and ginger beer!�

"Conch, conch, conch!"

"Vegetables freshly collected from farms outside the city are cheap and fresh!"


Mobile street vendors selling vegetables, fruits, and cooked food yelled loudly and greeted passers-by in a hurry. Some of them would stop and compare their purchases carefully, while others waved their hands impatiently, because today�s work has not yet been completed. Landing.

Zhou Mingrui smelled the stench and fragrance in the air. He firmly held the handle of the gun with his left hand and held the banknotes tightly. With his right hand, he pressed his felt hat with a round brim, bent slightly, and walked through the noisy streets with his head down.

Where there are many people, there are thieves, especially in this neighborhood where there are many underemployed poor people working part-time jobs and hungry children who are driven by others.

All the way forward, when the crowd density returned to normal, Zhou Mingrui straightened his back again, raised his head, and looked towards the street.

There was a wandering accordionist playing, and the melody was sometimes melodious and sometimes enthusiastic.

Beside him, there were many children in ragged clothes and sallow complexions due to malnutrition.

They listened to the music, followed the beat, twisted their bodies according to their instincts, and danced their own dances. Their faces were full of joy, as if they were little princes and little angels.

A dead-faced woman with a dirty skirt and dull skin passes by.

Her eyes were dull and dull, and only when she looked at the group of children, there was a gleam of light, as if she saw herself thirty years ago.

Zhou Mingrui overtook her, turned to another street, and stopped in front of "Silin Bakery".

The owner of the bakery is a seventy-year-old grandmother named Wendy Silin. Her hair is all gray and her face is always filled with a gentle smile. Since Klein can remember, she has been selling bread and pastries here.

Well, the tingen cakes and lemon cakes she baked by herself are very delicious... Zhou Mingrui swallowed and said with a smile, "Mrs. Sling, 8 pounds of rye bread."

"Oh, little Klein, where's Benson? He hasn't come back yet?" Wendy asked with a smile.

"A few more days." Zhou Mingrui replied vaguely.

While picking up the rye bread, Wendy sighed, "He's such a good hardworking guy, and he will have a good wife."

Speaking of this, the corners of her mouth turned up, and she smiled slightly mischievously: "It's all right now, you have graduated, our Hoy University history graduate~ well, you can make money soon, you shouldn't live An apartment like this should at least have its own bathroom."

"Mrs. Sling, you really look like a young and lively lady today." Zhou Mingrui could only respond with a dry smile.

If Klein can successfully pass the interview and become a lecturer at Tingen University, then the whole family will indeed go directly to a well-off life!

In his memory fragments, he even fantasized about renting a single-family house in the suburbs, with five or six rooms upstairs, two bathrooms, a large balcony, two rooms downstairs, a dining room, a living room, and a kitchen , a washroom, and an underground storage room.