Chapter: 906

Klein reached out to take it and casually checked the authenticity without explaining the fare.

Stuart didn't ask any more questions, but instead smiled and said, "Except for Mr. Stanton, you are the best detective I've ever seen. Did you enter the profession halfway, or did you learn from some great detective before?"

Which great detective did you study with? There are so many, what Sherlock Holmes, what Hercule Poirot, what Wannian elementary school students, what kind of tricksters in the name of grandpa... Klein complained a few words silently.

He thought for a while and said, "I'm from Jianhai County. I did a lot of work in the early days, and then I became a detective."

"So your knowledge is rich enough!" Stuart suddenly said.

Hey, I'm a little embarrassed by your compliment... Klein smiled and didn't respond.

Stuart took a sip of coffee and said, "Sherlock, if I encounter difficult cases that cannot be solved in the future, I hope to ask you for help."

My contacts in the detective world have also been expanded... Klein cautiously replied: "At that time, if I'm free."

After chatting for a while, Stuart tactfully bid farewell, and Klein sent him all the way to the hall.

After putting on his coat and hat, Stuart was about to open the door to go out when he suddenly turned around and said sincerely: "Sherlock, you are too simple.

"Your talent deserves better coffee."

ah? Klein was taken aback for a moment, and then felt a little embarrassed.

He laughed dryly and said, "I can't tell the difference between good and bad coffee, it's all the same to me."


After seeing off Stuart, Klein went out, went to the butcher shop to buy some beef bones and some beef, went to the vegetable shop to buy white radish and other ingredients, and prepared the corresponding seasonings.

He wanted to prepare beef bone and radish soup for dinner to serve with the leftover rice. As for noon, he found a random restaurant on the street and ate lamb chops.

In the leisurely afternoon, Klein continued to study the "Book of Secrets". The more he read it, the more he felt that he knew too little about occultism.

Fortunately, he has a solid foundation, and he can quickly master many things as soon as he touches them and ponders them.

In the evening, he smelled the enticing aroma of beef bone and radish soup, and his Adam's apple wriggled up and down twice.

He heard the doorbell again, which sounded like a dinner horn.

Swallowing his saliva, Klein walked to the door and grabbed the handle.

A visitor naturally appeared in his mind. It was the handsome but not masculine red-eyed vampire Emlyn White.

There is no need to rush... He is a trustworthy guy... Klein opened the door and smiled, "Good evening, Mr. White."

Emlyn raised his chin, showing an expression of impatience.

Just as he was about to speak, Klein took a look at the brown priest's robe on him, smiled "I understand" and said, "You just came from the Harvest Church?"

Who said you could hold on last night?

Emlyn couldn't maintain his gentlemanly demeanor immediately, he gritted his teeth and said, "That old man, that old man...

"Damn it, how to get rid of that damn hint?"

Before Klein could answer, he patted the clothes on his chest and straightened his face: "Take me to see that patient.

"A good dinner is waiting for me."