Chapter: 921

He picked up the pen and wrote a line: "Cappin's dinner time today."

After putting away the dark red round-bellied pen, Klein picked up the paper on which the divination statement was written, and leaned back against the back of the chair.

With his lips moving, he whispered "Cappin's dinner time today," over and over again.

These words swayed layer upon layer above the silent and empty gray mist, and Klein's eyes quickly deepened, and his eyelids slowly drooped.

In the fragmented dream, he saw the spacious and elegant restaurant, the ceramic tableware inlaid with gold, caviar, grilled chicken, stewed lamb, fried beef eye, fried keel fish, creamy soup and other food.

These foods were placed in front of several diners in a certain order and according to certain needs, including the slightly fat Kapin, the middle-aged gentleman Hellas wearing a white hood, Katie wearing only a thin shirt, The old-fashioned Parker has no deterrent effect.

Looking out obliquely from the end of the dining table, one can find a gorgeously decorated glass window, the clouds outside the window are sparse, and the red moon is faintly visible in the mid-air.

Klein opened his eyes, marked the position of the moon in the dream, and then quickly calculated the corresponding approximate time based on the common sense of astrology.

"It looks like 7:30 to 45... Considering that in several pictures, Capping and others have already eaten halfway through the meal, we can adjust it forward by another 15 minutes. In this way, 7:30 is a better choice..." Ke Ryan talked to himself silently, interpreting the enlightenment given by "Dream Divination".

It is not too uncommon to have dinner at 7:30. This is even the mainstream in the Loen Kingdom and even the Northern Continent. Because many middle-class people live in the suburbs due to environmental issues or because of the cheap rent, they have to take short trips every day. The steam train commutes to work in the city, and when they return home, it is often after 7 o'clock in the evening, so 7:30 to 8 o'clock is the normal dinner time.

Klein also had this kind of experience when he was in Tingen City, but it was because there were no servants and no full-time wife. When the three brothers and sisters returned home, they had to be busy for a while before they could enjoy hot food. It wasn't because of the long distance from work.

That is why the common people and the poor often have their dinner between 7:30 and 8 o'clock.

And because lunch and dinner are too far apart, afternoon tea, which belongs to the upper class, has gradually become popular among the middle class and ordinary people.

After reading it, Klein recalled the enlightenment he had just received, and keenly noticed a problem:

Where is Capin's wife and children?

They didn't show up in the dining room... Could it be that Capin was such an extreme believer in the Stormlord that women and children had to eat in the living room? Or, is there another reason? Or, Capin is not married and has no children? He is already middle-aged... Klein tried divination, but failed to obtain effective revelation, so he had to give up.

"7:30." He repeated the time and returned to the real world immediately.


In the evening, Capin, who was wearing a formal bow tie even at home, squinted his eyes, looked at the subordinate in front of him, and asked in a slow but chilling voice: "Fabian is dead?"

"Yes, boss." Even though he was Kapin's accomplice for many years, that subordinate was a little afraid and panicked.

"Odys, my name is sir, sir, in a few years, I will be called Sir." Capin pulled his bow tie, and seemed to be handling the thick cigar leisurely, "When did Fabian die? How did he die?"

"This afternoon, I asked him to go to the East District to do something. As a result, he clashed with members of the Zmanger Party and was stabbed in the neck..." Odess described tremblingly.

Kapin was smoking a cigar, and said in a calm tone, "Fabian is such an idiot.

"But wouldn't the people in the Zmanger party know that he was one of my idiots?"

"Sir, as you know, people from the highlands often come to the East District to join the Zmanger Party. They are barbaric and reckless, and they don't care who is who at all." Odes quickly explained a few words.

Capin snorted: "They forgot that this is not a plateau? Or, forgot me, Capin?

"Odes, I want the body of the leader of the Zmang Party in that block, can you do it? If not, I will sink your wife, child, and you into the Tussock River."

"Sir, there is no problem!" Aldes immediately turned up the volume.

Immediately, he asked in a low voice: "Who can I call?"

Just as Capin was about to answer, the door was suddenly pushed open, and a middle-aged gentleman wearing a white hair hood, Heras, walked in.