Chapter: 945

In addition, the uninhabited desolation and hopeless journey will bring extreme depression. In addition, for the sake of safety, the members of the exploration team are not allowed to have sexual catharsis during the outing stage, which makes them experience every time they explore. , there may be a certain reshaping of the mind, and if there is a huge danger of more than half of the team members being killed or injured, it is not too uncommon for the remaining people to change their personalities.

The only way to deal with such people is to follow the usual isolation and treatment, with few exceptions.

��The City of Silver has the first three sequences of the "dragon" pathway, so there is no shortage of "psychoanalysts".

Derrick rushed to the door and suddenly slowed down.

He knew that reporting to the "Six-member Council" in this way might not be effective, and there was a high chance of arousing suspicion, and even the danger of being targeted by Elder "Shepherd" Lovia.

After wandering for more than ten seconds, Derrick gritted his teeth, pulled the door and walked out.

He thought that he had to remind the elders of the "six-member council", even if he would bear a lot of risks!

For the vast majority of the residents of the City of Silver, using sacrifices to maintain the existence of the city and the continuation of this civilization is a belief that has been deeply ingrained in their bones.

Selfish people often do not live long in such internal and external environments.

Of course, Derrick is not completely reckless. Under the teachings of the members of the Tarot Society, especially the "Hanged Man", he clearly understands that sometimes he must know how to endure, and he must properly protect himself, and do not do useless and unnecessary things. Sacrifice, this is to better guard the City of Silver.

I'm just saying that the anomalies I observed shouldn't be dangerous... Derrick comforted himself, running faster and faster.

Finally, he saw the round tower that symbolized the highest power in the City of Silver.

He found the Extraordinary who was on duty here, and made a request to meet the "chief".

To Derrick's surprise, the Extraordinary didn't ask why as usual, and after a simple communication, he took him up the stairs and circled up to the room belonging to the "chief".

It's strange... It's different from before... Derrick felt that the change in details made him even more uneasy.

Entering the room, he saw "Chief" Colin Iliad standing in front of a wall.

This tall old man with deep law lines, blue eyes and disheveled white hair is facing two straight swords crossed on the wall. He is wearing the usual linen shirt and brown coat. It is hard to believe that he is a A strong man who has hunted many demons and monsters.

"Derrick Berg, what do you have to tell me face to face?" Colin asked in a mellow voice.

"Your Excellency, Chief." Derrick saluted, "I met the team that explored that temple at the training ground today, I, I found that the Dak Riggins I knew had a strange change, he was no longer what he used to be. Cheerful, his smile is as polite as that of a stranger, and Elder Lovia no longer changes the state of his speech."

Colin took a deep look at Derrick, and asked in a low voice, "Only these two things?"

"Yes, yes." Derrick lowered his head, "I think there may be an anomaly in this."

Colin waved his hand and said, "I see. I'll ask Avro to do an inspection. You can go back. In the future, you can report such things directly to the guards of the round tower."

Avro is the most senior "psychoanalyst" in the City of Silver who is closest to Sequence 6. Unfortunately, there is no potion formula after Sequence 7 here.

After getting such a reply, Derrick left depressed.

Colin watched his back disappear by the door, and suddenly sighed in disappointment.


After discussing Will Auceptin's situation with Dr. Allen for a while, Klein, who didn't find anything extra, got off the carriage halfway, took the steam subway, and arrived near Minsk Street after three stops. He then changed to a trackless public carriage to return. Home.

Because it was still early, he used divination to confirm that the previous tenant was not lying, and then continued to study the "Book of Secrets" diligently.

Ever since he had this book of mysticism, which can be called from beginner to master, Klein has used the mysterious space above the gray fog more and more skillfully, and has completed many excellent operations.

"What restricts me now is my own sequence, my own strength and spirituality." In the middle of the night, Klein hid the "Book of Secrets", and went to the bathroom to clean himself up before going to bed.