Chapter: 968

The owner of the notes, a traveler from the family of Abraham, claims that while wandering into the depths of the spirit world, he encountered an old man in a lemon-yellow robe.

The old man's body was translucent, remarkably similar to the spirit world creatures around him, but his attitude was unexpectedly kind.

The traveler from the Abraham family communicated with the old man for a while, and unexpectedly learned that the other party turned out to be the "yellow light" Venetan, one of the seven pure lights covering the highest part of the spiritual world.

Venitan told the traveler of the Abraham family that his own characteristics are rationality and adaptability, a symbol of the astrological field, and the corresponding gemstone is emerald.

He worriedly mentioned a prophecy from himself: "Gaze is thrown from the starry sky, and the earth will be torn apart, and everything in the world will cease to exist."

He believes that this is the final doomsday that will come within two hundred years, and all spirits and creatures will not be spared.

The traveler from the Abraham family didn't feel anything about it, and instead of asking, he asked how to lift the curse on his family's bloodline.

"Yellow Light" Weenetan told him that in a sense, this is indeed a curse, but it has a completely different essence from the curse in occultism. Apprentice" hands.

He also warned the traveler of Abraham's family that the day when the curse was lifted was the beginning of the real disaster for the Abrahams.

As for the catastrophe, he said that he didn't know, and thought it involved a great existence at the level of gods.

In the second chapter of "Experience in the Spiritual World", the owner of the notes also mentioned another thing that "Yellow Light" Venitan said, the ruler of the "Brotherhood of Pure Light", the seven pure lights, often enter reality The world has been transformed into human beings in different ways to teach corresponding knowledge. Since the Fifth Epoch, many mentor-level figures in various fields are their incarnations. For example, the greatest astrologer in the past thousand years has conclusively proved that the current Dee Fossman of The World is a Planet is the human incarnation of "Yellow Light" Weenetan.

Based on this, the owner of the notes made a guess that Russell Gustav, who is regarded as a mentor in many fields, may be the embodiment of some kind of pure light.

No, he's not... If you really want to think so, then he's probably a green light... Klein raised his hand and rubbed his forehead.

Based on this, he judged that the owner of the note would not be a very old Extraordinary, and judging from the fact that the other party did not call Roselle the Great, this trip to the spiritual world should have happened when Roselle was the consul, or had just proclaimed himself emperor. A period of time that has not yet been widely accepted.

Of course, it does not rule out that the Extraordinary of the Abraham family refuses to recognize emperors other than Tudor.

A traveler who can roam the spirit world, this sequence is not low, and if he was a high-sequence powerhouse, Mr. "Gate" would have been rescued long ago, and the so-called blood curse would have long since ceased to exist. Therefore, the notes The owner is a Sequence 5 Extraordinary, or a Sequence 6 with the help of magical items... Although the Abraham family has declined, it is not weak... Why is the prophecy of "Yellow Light" Weenetan and some of the claims of the Witch Sect and Aurora Society? Things are very similar, and the end is bound to come? Judging from the time I calculated just now, the end is only twenty or thirty years away? Klein frowned and thought.

��Roselle became consul in 1173, and now it is November 1349, a gap of 176 years, while "Yellow Light" Venetan predicted that it would be within 200 years. Considering that Klein's calculation is only an interval, the distance from the end It is possible from 24 to 50 years (1192 when Roselle became emperor and 1198 when he was assassinated).

Although the first two chapters of "Experience in the Spiritual World" did not contain any practical knowledge, they thoroughly broadened his horizons and allowed him to know many things about the spiritual world, including the Seven Paths of Pure Light and the "Brotherhood of Pure Light". "The presence.

"It turns out that when you were promoted, when you transformed into a spirit body state, and when you held corresponding ceremonies, you could see the pure brilliance that was located at a very high place. The pure brilliance that contains countless knowledge is the 'clean light' of the spirit world, and they are still alive Yes, having a mind of its's amazing...

"These two chapters of "Experience in the Spiritual World" are not to say that there is no practical knowledge at all. At least let me know that the real name of 'Yellow Light' is Weenetan, and that its corresponding gemstone is emerald. I know many details. Sexual things, I can design some secret rituals pointing to it...but it's useless for the time being..."

Klein pondered for a moment, closed the transcribed notebook, and returned to the real world.

Compared with the psychic "Yellow Light" Weenetan, he has more important things.

Klein took out the letter paper, picked up the pen, and wrote a letter to the inventor Leppard, asking where the bicycle patent approval process was, why it hadn't been successful, and whether it was necessary to find a lawyer here for help�with the "magic" With the establishment of the "Master's Rules" and the complete digestion of the potion, it has not taken more than two months. He must save enough extraordinary material costs for the promotion of Sequence 6 "Faceless Man" as soon as possible.

Among them, the "Sun" may provide one for free because of "All Black Eyes", but Klein still has to figure out the other one.

As far as he knows, the extraordinary materials corresponding to Sequence 6 are basically more than 1,500 pounds, and there are often no prices.

In addition to the two main materials, the auxiliary materials also include the blood of a thousand-faced hunter and the hair of a deep-sea naga, two extremely rare and rich spiritual things, and the price is also not beautiful.

"It's really difficult to make money, but it's easy to spend money... It would be nice if the 'Werewolf' Extraordinary Feature and the 'Interrogator' Extraordinary Feature can be sold... One soli and one penny can't be wasted..." Klein fixed the envelope and pasted it on stamp.

He doesn't need to count, he knows how much money he has in total now:

�624 notes plus five �1 gold coins, plus seven soli notes and some copper pennies.

"By the way, there is also the 600 gold pounds that Ms. Magician and Ms. Hugh will pay for the Extraordinary characteristic of 'Sheriff'. I hope they can raise enough money as soon as possible..." Klein silently blessed the two ladies .