Chapter: 98

"The brows are black..." Glacis heard such a description for the first time.

Klein didn't explain any more, walked out of the room with a smile, and closed the wooden door smoothly.

"Is he an unlicensed doctor, or a rural pharmacist?" Glacis shook his head amusedly, and picked up the silver mirror for divination.

He took a closer look and found that the center of his brows was indeed black.

But this is a problem with the environment. Under the dim light penetrating through the curtains, not only the center of his brows was blackened, but his entire face was also blackened!

"An unflattering joke," Glacis murmured.

He did not worry about divining his health and confirmed that there was nothing wrong with it.


When he left the divination club, Klein already had one more plan for the future.

That is to save money as soon as possible, pay the annual fee, and become a member of the club, so as to start playing the so-called "seer".

Why don't you do it yourself? It's because there are no resources and channels for the time being, and it is impossible to be a street vendor. After all, you are a decent person and shameless.

After a few minutes, he waited for the stagecoach, spent 2 pence, and arrived at Zouterand Street, which was not too far away.

Pushing open the door of "Black Thorn Security Company", he didn't see the familiar brown-haired girl, but only found the poetic Leonard Mitchell with black hair and green eyes sitting behind the reception desk.

"Good afternoon, where is Roseanne?" Klein asked after taking off his hat and saluting.

Leonard smiled and pointed to the partition door: "She is on duty in the armory tonight."

Without waiting for Klein to ask again, Leonard said as if he was thinking about something: "Klein, I have been puzzled by one thing."

"What is it?" Klein looked blank.

Leonard stood up and said with a soothing tone of smile, "Why did Welch and Naya commit suicide on the spot while you returned home?"

"It should be that unknown existence wants me to take away the Antigonus family's notes and hide them." Klein said the generally accepted speculation.

Leonard took a few steps, then turned around suddenly and looked directly into Klein's eyes: "If you were asked to commit suicide to silence and erase clues, why didn't you just destroy that notebook on the spot?"

In fact, I don't know whether the notebook was destroyed or hidden... But I can reason in reverse. If you want to destroy it, you can do it on the spot. There is no need for me to take it away... In response to Nader's question, Klein instantly turned on the "keyboard detective" mode, and pondered: "Maybe the unknown existence that Welch and Naya touched, enjoys the 'sacrifice' of life, and hopes to continue to have similar So, with the 'suicide' sure to be discovered, let me take the note, hide it, and prepare for the second 'enjoyment', just something went wrong in the process, I didn't end up Successful suicide."

This is Klein's reasonable guess based on the materials, novels, movies, and TV series that involved evil sacrifices that he had read in his previous life.

As for what went wrong during the process, he knew very well that it was the extra "variable" of himself, the traveler.

"That's a good explanation, but I think there may be another possibility. Welch and Naya's suicide sacrifices made it possible for that unknown existence to descend, and that notebook contained or conceived evil, which made You take it away and hide it, because you are worried that it will be discovered and destroyed by us before it is 'born' and 'powerful'." Leonard Mitchell explained another possibility.

Having said that, he stared into Klein's eyes and smiled slightly: "Of course, the note may have been destroyed in order to cover up the content on it, to cover up the object that actually carried or bred evil. In this way, your suicide An attempt would have been a sufficient explanation."

What's the meaning? Are you suspicious of me? Doubt that the original owner's body carries or conceives evil? No, what he carries or conceives is a traverser... The word "conceive" is okay... Klein was stunned for a while, and while making complaints to himself, he said after deliberation: "I don't want to defend myself, after all, I really forgot that A memory, but both the captain and Ms. Daly confirmed that I have no other questions, your joke is not funny."

"I'm just exploring such a possibility. I can't rule out that the unknown being was hit when it arrived, so that you failed to commit suicide. We have to believe that the goddess has always protected us." Leonard changed the subject with a smile, "You What did you find this afternoon?"

After the conversation just now and the previous incident, Klein became very wary of Leonard, but he replied calmly on the surface: "No, I have to change the route tomorrow afternoon."

He pointed to the partition and said, "I have to go to the armory to get the bullets."

"Shooting Club" will be open until nine o'clock in the evening, after all, many of its members have to be off work to be free.