Chapter: 1011

She could only imagine how Stefan would humiliate her because of this. Not only would she not get the Rainbow Glaze, she had given the man another opportunity to humiliate her.

�I really messed up�� Renee thought miserably and shook her head.

Within just a few minutes, she tidied up and got out of bed. She then noticed the completed version of the X2 spaceship being displayed on the glass shelf, which made her gawk in disbelief.

�Oh my god, it�s finished! Did that guy use some sort of dark magic? This is insane!� Renee remembered that she barely had one-third of it assembled, and the rest of the blocks had been scattered everywhere. It was simply unthinkable that he had done this alone.

She then thought to herself, �Didn�t Hunt go to bed right after he showered? Did he just randomly wake up in the middle of the night to continue building this thing? There�s no way he�d pull an all-nighter to finish this though. He�d be risking not getting enough sleep, and he�d be letting me win. What does he get out of this then?�

Renee was perplexed, but didn�t want to think about it anymore. �Ah, whatever, it�s done anyway, so Hunt has to keep his end of the deal and hand over the Rainbow Glaze. He said he was a man of his word after all!�

As she continued pondering, Renee took her phone out, so that she could ask the man to give her what he promised. However, before she could dial his number, Stefan�s bedroom door swung open.

�Ren, you�re up.� The person who entered was Timothy, Stefan�s grandfather.

�Uhm, G-Grandpa Timothy!� Renee�s gaze darted to the ground, feeling so awkward that her entire body tensed up.

She hoped the old man wouldn�t misunderstand her relationship with Stefan, but it would be quite hard not to, especially after seeing her getting out of his bed.

Timothy looked the woman up and down with a serene and knowing smile. �Was that punk rough on you last night, dear?�


Renee tried to explain. �Grandpa, actually, last night��

�You don�t have to say anything more, you don�t have to be so shy about it either. You�re both youngsters after all, even if something did happen between the two of you, it�s completely normal. I may be old, but I�m not that conservative. I understand.� Timothy was grinning widely as he cleared his throat.

�It�s good that the little punk finally came to his senses. This morning, he even told me that you needed lots of rest after last night, so I shouldn�t disturb you. He said you could sleep till whatever time you liked.�

Renee blushed, her voice panicked. �Grandpa Timothy, you�ve misunderstood. Nothing happened between us last night, we-�

�Nothing happened? And yet� you�ve slept in his bed the whole night.� The old man grinned at her cheekily.

�Well� He� He didn�t lay in bed with me. He was probably building his lego spaceship, so we really didn�t�� The more Renee tried to explain, the more guilty she looked.

�Oh child, I understand, alright? Don�t be so shy now. And� I think it�s time that you stop playing games with him.� Timothy sighed deeply and patted Renee on the shoulder, his expression serious this time.

�Grandpa Timothy, what do you mean by that?� Renee didn�t quite understand what he was trying to imply.