Chapter: 1015

�What kind of question is that? That pervert of course!� Renee replied without turning around, continuing her search by staring into the man�s office from different angles. She seemed rather childish at that moment.

�I�d really like to see if he picks his nose or something in private. I refuse to believe that a normal person could maintain the same perfect act all the time! Doesn�t he ever get tired?�

�If you�re really that curious, I�ll allow you to watch me up close,� the deep-voiced man chuckled.

�Huh?� Renee finally noticed that something was off, and quickly spun around. To her horror, she found Stefan sitting at her desk with his legs crossed and both hands in his pockets. He was staring back at her with a slight smile.

As the telescope fell to the ground, Renee buried her face into her hands with a groan, wishing she could disappear into thin air.

�Oh god, let lightning strike me now!�

�People told me that you couldn�t move on, but I didn�t quite understand that before. But now, it looks to me like you really do still love me, to the point you�d stoop so low as to spy on me.� Stefan smirked. Although he seemed composed on the surface, he was actually quite happy and proud of this.

Renee felt like she was about to explode from rage. Her eyes narrowed as she turned towards Wyatt, who was hiding behind the door. �Who let him in here? How can the security department of Azure Group be so weak?�

�I�m sorry, Miss Everheart, it was my idea to ask Mr. Hunt to come by. I just couldn�t bear watching your love for him to go to waste. Besides, I think the both of you need a nice, long talk�� Wyatt raised his hand apologetically.

He then turned to Stefan angrily. �Mr. Hunt, even if men suck, I�d like to believe that you are different. If you have chosen to love Miss Everheart, then take some damn responsibility! At the very least, your issues with each other shouldn�t affect the child, don�t you think?�

Stefan nodded. �If that is true, I will take responsibility for her, I promise.�

�Good! So talk to each other, and I�ll be excusing myself. I�m not going to stick around to be a third wheel! I hope you guys bear many children in the future!� Wyatt quickly fled the scene before Renee could strangle him to death.

Finally, the only people left in the room were Renee and Stefan.

�What the heck? What does he mean by �many children�?� Renee turned to Stefan in alarm.

�Could he have found out about Abby and Adie�s existence? If he has, there�s going to be a battle soon. This is war!�

She knew that this wasn�t the right time to go against the Hunts, which was why she still felt somewhat uneasy. However, if it was bound to happen, she would not go down without a fight either.

�No one� And I mean no one can take Abby and Adie away from me!�

�There�s no one around, so drop the act. I know about our child,� Stefan said nonchalantly.

Renee clenched her fists, still pretending to be aloof. �What child? I don�t understand. If you want babies to continue your bloodline so badly, just spread the news and pick a girl with the best genes! Aren�t you being a little ridiculous by clinging to your ex-wife like this?!�

Stefan stared at Renee, pausing before he gave her a cryptic smile. �I thought you were pregnant with my child, which is why you made such a big commotion that day. Isn�t it so that I�d take responsibility? To be honest� I am at a suitable age to have children anyway, and it�s not like I can�t accept you as the mother of my children.�