Chapter: 1022

Renee didn�t shy away either. She took a cherry tomato from the basket and popped it into her mouth.

�Mmm! It tastes great! Tons better than the ones in the supermarket!�

�Of course! This is all organic, without any pesticides too. Grandpa planted these all on his own, you know? It�s delicious and nutritious at the same time!� Timothy wiped the sweat off of his forehead, beaming proudly.

Renee then remembered that her twins loved eating cherry tomatoes as well, and asked sweetly, �Grandpa, can I take some home?�

�Be my guest, take however many you want. I planted these crops for you youngsters after all.�

The two then continued to make idle chit chat, till Renee awkwardly brought up the main reason she was here. �Grandpa, I�m actually here today because I need a small favor from you.�

�You don�t have to be so modest with me. Come on, just tell me what you need.�

�I didn�t know how important the Rainbow Glaze was to Stefan. I can�t accept it, even if he is willing to give it to me. That�s why� I hope you can return this to him for me,� Renee explained as she handed the artifact to the old man.

�Haha!� Timothy shook his head and chuckled softly. �Looks like you�ve caught wind of my poor grandson�s condition. Yes, he does have a hidden ailment, and he needs this relic to heal him from time to time. But� the fact that he was willing to give you something this important, shows that he thinks you�re the true �cure� to his illness. It�s quite reasonable that he would let you take care of it.�

�Ah�� Renee was stunned, not knowing how to refute his statement.

�It�s alright, I won�t put you in a difficult position. You two seemed to be fated to meet, but not to last� It�s perfectly justified that you wish to return this to him�� Timothy sighed and looked towards Stefan�s bedroom. �You can just place this in his room. I�m sure he�ll understand once he sees it after coming back from work.�

�Okay then!� Renee nodded and brought the Rainbow Glaze, along with a big basket of fresh cherry tomatoes, into the manor.

Stefan�s bedroom was on the second floor, and it was normally off limits. After placing the basket of cherry tomatoes on the coffee table, Renee headed upstairs, towards the man�s room. At first, she was going to place the item by his doorstep, but figured that it would be unsafe to leave such a precious relic outside.

After a few minutes of pondering, she decided that it was best to just place it inside his room.

With that, she tried to turn the doorknob, but didn�t expect the shut door to swing open so swiftly. She looked up in confusion, and to her horror, saw Stefan standing at the door with damp hair and an exposed torso. He merely had a pair of gray sweatpants on, making him seem casual, chic, and sexy at the same time. It really showed just how charming he was.

Renee�s face instantly turned red. She turned around and stumbled over her words. �I� I�m sorry, I didn�t know you were home! I swear, I didn�t see anything!�

The man had just finished taking a shower, and was drying his hair with a clean towel. When he saw Renee at the door, his handsome face was expressionless, and his hostility was enough to give someone frostbite.

�What are you doing here?� The man asked in an unfriendly tone. It was clear that he was still holding a grudge against Renee, and was unhappy to see her.

As the high and mighty Stefan Hunt, he couldn�t help but feel petty over the cold rejection he received, especially when he had set his pride aside. He was so choked up with anger that he wished he could send this woman to outer space, so that he wouldn�t have to see her ever again.

�Don�t misunderstand my intentions, I�m just here to return the Rainbow Glaze. Since you�re here, I�ll be placing it in your good hands. You won�t have to regret your decision of giving it away then.� Renee was still facing away from the man, her back straightened and her voice just as tough as usual. She didn�t want him to know that she gave the relic back to him out of worry for his life.