Chapter: 1040

�So it�s Grandpa Baldwin who�s been protecting Everheart Residence for me!� Renee uttered, still considerably shocked and moved by the old man�s kindness. She hung her head low in shame and added, �I lied to him four years ago. I thought he�d never forgive me, but it turns out that��

�Well, you�re right that he was really angry because you promised to marry me then, but you turned around and suddenly got in bed with the Hunts. What you did was simply as if you trampled our name and honor, deeply humiliating us. It enraged every single member of the Baldwin family. They even tried to issue an order to have you killed so they could take revenge on you and the Hunt family��

As Haze recalled the events that transpired four years ago, he was still struck by a lingering fear and trepidation. Judging from what he knew of his grandfather�s temperament, not only was Renee�s life in danger, but he was sure that his grandpa even planned to kill him!

�But later,� he continued, �Grandpa discovered that you�d vanished from this world, and it was uncertain whether or not you were still alive. He thought of all the tribulations you had to endure in your life and made up his mind to forgive you. He realized that the real instigators of the whole mess were the Hunt family and Stefan Hunt especially, not you. You were innocent!�

�And that,� he concluded, �was why he ordered me to lend you a helping hand to defeat the Hunt family and restore the Everheart family back to its old glory!�

Renee felt an immense pressure bearing down on her shoulders and somberly replied, �I�m moved by Grandpa Baldwin�s well intentions, and I�m especially grateful for the squad that he sent me back then. I didn�t even manage to train them properly. I�ve failed to live up to his expectations��

�But,� she added, �I never thought of trying to defeat or exact revenge on anyone. All I want to do is to make Azure Group stronger and more prosperous under my leadership, so I can show the world that the Everheart family is not to be looked down upon and that their descendants can be great too!�

�That�s very noble of you,� Haze chuckled, �but it�s a pity that the world of business is like the battleground for war. It�s a dog-eat-dog world. No one will play nice with you. You either kill or be killed. If the man standing here in this room today wasn�t me, do you think you�ll ever get Everheart Residence back? And what if the capital chain for Azure Group breaks again? Where will you find the money to fix the situation then?�

Haze�s expressions were inscrutable, but his pointed inquiry immediately threw Renee into silence. It was true. She had been too idealistic and naive. When the time came for Azure Group to really be on the �battlefield,� who would play nice with her then?!

�This is the equity purchase contract,� said Haze. �Think about it carefully. Are you going to rely on the powerful Baldwin family and get through this risky hurdle, or are you going to fight alone and then get eaten up until not even your bones remain? I give you three days to decide.�

Then, with uncommon gravity and strength, Haze pushed a thick stack of contract papers toward Renee. He was confident that a woman as smart as Renee would make the wiser choice�

Renee took the contract and went home with her mind full of thoughts.

As she arrived, she noticed that something weird was going on�her children, who would usually rush up to welcome her home as soon as she got back, were non-existent, and right now, there was only pin-drop silence inside the house and completely no sign the rascals.

�Hello? Adie? Abby? Mommy�s home! Where are you guys? Don�t you miss Mommy?�

She opened the door and turned on the lights. The living room was completely empty. There was not a soul in there. Feeling suspicious, she hurried into the bedroom. That was when the twins suddenly came bolting out of their room towards her, then each of them clung onto her legs.

�You�re home, Mommy! We missed you so much!�

�You must be tired after working all day! Let us massage your shoulders and your legs!�

Adie and Abby spoke so sweetly to their mother as though their lips were covered in honey. Their tiny little hands then went to work as they started to give their mother a massage.

�Ah�� Renee sighed with pleasure. She closed her eyes as she thoroughly enjoyed the experience. �It feels so good, my darlings! You both treat me so well! Seeing you made all the hard work I did all day worth it!�

After speaking, she tried to head straight into her bedroom, only to find her kids holding onto her legs tightly as if unwilling to let her go inside.