Chapter: 1154

�W-what do you want?�

�Look at my watch� We�re four and a half hours away from landing. That�s plenty of time to do a lot of things.� Stefan pointed out the time on his watch and could not wait for what would happen next.

�Do what?� Renee asked in confusion. She pointed at the joystick and said nervously, �Y-you� Don�t you have to operate it? Isn�t this too dangerous?�

�The plane is 40000 feet above the ground and on autopilot until it lands. I�m now free to do whatever I want.�

�It�s so high-tech!� Renee was so shocked, though she did not understand. Renee had heard of planes flying completely on autopilot without continuous hands-on control. Pilots bored on long flights would always end up having some hanky-panky actions with the flight attendants.

�Stefan said he could do a lot of things. Was this what he meant?! Wait!� Renee shook her head and scolded herself, �Renee, you must be mad! Why are you suddenly thinking about this? You and your dirty mind!�

Stefan slowly leaned closer to Renee and trapped her in the seat. He smiled at her inexplicably flushed cheeks and asked meaningfully, �What�s on your mind? Why is your face suddenly red?�

�Is it red? No, it�s not!� Renee tried to act calm and put the back of her hand on her cheek. He was right. Her cheeks were really hot.

�You look so red and delicious, like a cherry��

�Stefan, you� Hmm!�

Stefan pressed his lips on Renee�s cherry-like lips again, catching her by surprise. She could not even react in time. �We didn�t have enough fun in the car earlier. Let�s continue��

Stefan spoke into Renee�s ear with a husky voice and unbuttoned her shirt wildly. �Stefan, are you crazy? We�re 40,000 feet in the air! You�re not flying the plane properly, you� Hey! What are you doing?!�

Renee�s heart was pounding nervously. She pressed her delicate hand against Stefan�s restless palm in fear. She was afraid. Her whole family could be gone at the slightest mistake!

�The thrill of doing it ten miles up in the air is exactly what we�re after�� Stefan kissed the woman�s neck, leaving trails of his hot breath on her slightly cool skin. He seized all of her and enraptured her in his seduction. �Relax. I know what I�m doing. Just follow my rhythm and let your body fly to the peak!�

Renee shuddered involuntarily. She breathed heavily on the edge of her last sanity. �But the kids��

�They won�t disturb us�� Stefan intertwined his fingers with hers and hushed quietly, �Ren, I�ll take you real high!� At an altitude of tens of thousands of feet, the plane sped to its destination, slicing through one cloud after another.

Meanwhile, a passionate fire swept through the rather cramped cockpit like a raging flame going out of control�

Renee did not know how long it took, but she really could not take it anymore. Finally, Stefan reluctantly let her go.

�Have a good rest. We still have half an hour before we are ready to land.� Stefan slowly buttoned his shirt with his long fingers and reverted to his usual modest and gentlemanly appearance.

He concentrated on monitoring the instrument panel. The aircraft was level, and the gauges were all within their nominal operating parameters.