Chapter: 1202

"You're overthinking it. I don't have any difficulties. I just realized that I love Seraphina more. Seraphina and I are the perfect match for each other. We can support each other.�

Stefan said ruthlessly.

�Heh, your poor acting skills merely confirmed my suspicion further...�

Renee went straight to the point. "Tell me honestly, what did the Murphy family promise the Hunt family to make you betray your heart? Whatever they can give you, maybe I can give you too. I might even be able to give you more.�

�Yeah, right!�

Seraphina sneered, "The Everheart family has long fallen into ruins. The Azure Group you established with Liam Osborne is also losing money. What can you give him? You're just making empty promises...�

"I'm the one who decides if I can give him that, not you, so shut your trap.�

Renee gave Seraphina a fierce glare, then turned back to Stefan. She reached out to him and said, "Come with me. I'll only count to three. One, two...�

�I refuse!�

Stefan already gave his answer before Renee had even finished counting.

He was expressionless, as if he was looking at a stranger. Without any emotion, he said, "You're always so arrogant. You think you have unlimited charm and can make me bow down to you. Little did you know that I was just playing with you. I've won when I confirmed that you've truly fallen for me. Naturally, I have no reason to continue our relationship anymore. I didn't expect you to get addicted to being toyed with. You would rather be humiliated than give up. You're pathetic.�


Jovan fists were clenched. For the first time, he shed his calm and collected outer shell. With his emotions slightly out of control, he mocked Stefan, �If you have the time to humiliate her, why not use it to think of a way to help the H Group overcome the crisis? If news of you doing something so cruel to a woman spreads, our Hunt family will become a joke!�

�Isn't that exactly what you want?�

Stefan's eyes swept towards Jovan like sharp daggers. "Besides, I'm not like you. At least I do things openly and never use dirty tricks.�

That hit Jovan's sore spot. Jovan, who had never backed down in an argument, decided to stop arguing with Stefan.

He turned around, grabbed Renee's hand, and whispered, "You've met him now. It's about time you give up on him. Let's go."

�What�s the hurry...�

Renee's beautiful face seemed to be covered in a layer of frost. There was neither sadness nor joy there, making it difficult for others to read her thoughts.

Was she sad, was she angry, or was she indifferent? "Even after what he said, you still wouldn't give up on him?"