Chapter: 1238

This was probably the magical power of family! Renee accompanied Quinton to Carmine Pawnshop on his invitation.

He owned the whole area, including the Water Dock. The fearsome Night Demon has returned!

However, when Renee returned to this location, she noticed a significant shift in her feelings. She had far too many inquiries.

�If he�s Mr. Q, who impersonated him?� She was perplexed.

When Quinton returned to the pawn store, the first person he harshly reprimanded was his once-trustworthy subordinate Chase!

�You�re a stupid being! You served an imposter for four years without realizing it. I believe you did it on purpose!� Quinton stood before the lion-carved bench. He stepped on Chase�s chest with one leg and yelled fiercely.

�Boss, it�s my fault that I was blind. Please punish me!� Chase realized the grave mistake he�d made and kneeled with his back straight, eager to accept his punishment.

�Since you know you�re blind, you don�t need your eyes.�

�Drag him to the organ room, remove his eyes, and sell them!� Quinton ordered the subordinate beside him.

Despite wearing a face mask, he had a chilly sneer that made people uneasy. He was the devil himself since he had no tenderness in how he responded to Renee before.

This was what the genuine Mr. Q looked like.

He wouldn�t have been able to expand his empire to the same degree of power as the H Group if he wasn�t as cruel.

�Yes, sir!�

Two muscular guys approached Chase, who was now kneeling on the floor, and prepared to take him to the organ room.

�Hold on!�

Renee sat beside Quinton, anxiously gulping. �Quinton, what is an organ room?�

Quinton instantly relaxed and calmly explained to Renee. �The organ room is the same as any other treasure room. It�s a facility for removing and storing organs. It is the best-selling service here at Carmine Pawnshop. However, it is a pity that the imposter halted the business, and the shop became just another pawn shop.�

He stated it casually, as if he were discussing something as mundane as the weather.

Renee felt goosebumps crawling all over her skin, and she inquired gently, �Isn�t it illegal to deal with organs?�

�Renee, the Water Dock lies on the border of three countries. There is no law here. The only concern is about making money. Do you know why the pawnshop is named after the color red?�