Chapter: 127

However, the chilly air emanating from his entire body lowered the temperature in the office to a freezing point.

It appeared the big iceberg knew everything now.

However, Renee did not panic. She calmly took out the share transfer contract and said to his back as if nothing had happened, �Mr. Hunt, if you�re free right now, please sign this. We should split up the assets cleanly now so that the divorce can proceed without a hitch.�

Stefan turned around. The sun added a bit of warmth to his cold, handsome face, making him look even more charming.

�Why are you in such a hurry to get the divorce? Don�t you think you should explain yourself first?�

�Explain myself?�

Renee�s expression was calm. She had nothing to lose anymore. �There�s nothing to explain. Number one, Elon Barnes asked you for $7 million of his own accord. I have nothing to do with it. You can believe what you want.�

�Number two, the vulnerabilities in H Group�s customer database have always been there. It�s only a matter of time before it�s attacked. I�m just making you aware of the ticking time bomb in advance. If you want to retaliate, feel free to do so.�

�Number three, the divorce agreement stated in black and white that the law firm belongs to me. Even if you don�t sign the papers now, the court will eventually enforce it anyway.�

Stefan stared at Renee with a deep gaze and a very complicated expression. After a long while, he coldly said, �What are you talking about?�

�Was my explanation not clear enough? Make your move! Stop wasting time!�

Renee expected that Stefan, who always paid his debts, would not let her get away scot-free. Shecould only wait for him to take action so that she could deal with it.

Frowned and said in a chilly voice, �The hacker just now said you�re his ex-girlfriend, the reason why you agreed to the divorce so easily so that you two can get back together� I want to hear your explanation.�

�What?! His ex-girlfriend?!�

Renee was so surprised that she almost choked on her own saliva.

�That�s what he told you?�

�What else should he have told me?�

�Lies! Absolute lies!�

Renee raised two fingers and said sincerely, �I swear, I don�t even know him that well. If I�m lying, my future husband will die a long, painful death!�

Stefan: ���