Chapter: 1331

�I told you to get rid of them for good last time, but you just had to let them go because you still considered them family! Now we�re in for more trouble. They�ve been plotting in secret for so long that it looks like they�re making a comeback soon!�

Francine was feeling more anxious as she spoke, her lips twisted into a deep frown. �And there�s this other thing� I didn�t want to tell you at first, but the situation doesn�t allow me to hide it from you any longer.�

�What is it now?�

�I have been keeping your blindness an absolute secret for a while now. That�s why no one but us would ever know about your condition.�

�Yet lately, there�s been rumors being spread around, and the board of directors is starting to feel uneasy. With Jovan provoking them even further, they�re demanding to hold a shareholders� meeting at the end of this month. If you have yet to recover by then, you might lose your position as their CEO��

�So be it. I can�t do much as a blind man anyway. Giving that position to someone who is more capable won�t be a bad thing for H Group.� Stefan was already in the depths of despair. He wasn�t even interested in staying alive, let alone fighting for power and status.

�Didn�t I just praise you for your improvement? Why are you so depressed again? I told you that this will be temporary and you�ll get better. If you just hand over your position like that, what would happen to our family if Jovan was the one who took that chance?�

Francine didn�t want to risk it and continued advising Stefan. �You know just how cruel Jovan can be. He wouldn�t be as merciful as you if he had that chance. Me and your father aside, I don�t even think he�d let Abby and Adie off. If you really want to step down, wait till you�ve secured a future for the kids first. Understood?�

�Adie� Abby�� Stefan mumbled his precious children�s names, the sadness in his eyes compounded.

�What right do I have to call myself their father now? I don�t think they�d even want someone useless as family.�

�Then don�t be useless! You�re just blind and still have your smarts to back you up, and you�re definitely still capable of managing the company. It�s just that you can�t show yourself during this period of time. Don�t let anyone, especially Jovan, find out that you have lost your sight. Else we�d have more problems to worry about.�

Francine had already thought this through and had only announced to the public that Stefan caught a severely contagious disease. She told everyone that he was still in recovery and couldn�t manage the company or receive guests for the time being

However, a lie like that would only cover up the truth for so long. The limited time they currently had was a great incentive for her to find this Albus Order leader as quickly as possible.

Just then, one of the maids shouted in a panic from outside, �No, Master Jovan. Our madam said that no one is allowed to enter without her permission! Please cooperate with us.�

�What the heck? I�m part of the Hunt family, too, you know? I came to see my cousin. I heard he�s sick, and I�ve been so worried this whole time!� Jovan said in a loud and sarcastic tone as he strode into the manor, despite the maid�s attempt at stopping him.

�Damned kid! He�s like a f*cking ghost. We can�t even mention his name in this house!� Francine was so mad that she started cussing, then turned to Stefan. �Head back to your room. I�ll handle him, for now. And remember� Don�t show yourself!�

Jovan was in the living room at the time. His hands were in his pockets, his expression nonchalant and arrogant.

�Hey, Aunt Francine, your maids are so stubborn. I just swung by to check up on Cousin Stefan, but she wouldn�t let me in! It�s like you guys have some kind of secret to hide.�

Francine knew that they were still the passive party and didn�t want to fight with Jovan. After all, this man was insane, and fighting with him would only result in a lose-lose situation.

With that in mind, she put up a smile and greeted him instead. �Hey, dear nephew, what brings you here? It�s almost midnight, but you still went out of your way to visit us. I�m so touched I could cry! But, well� Stef caught a pretty bad contagious disease, so he needs a lot of rest. He went to bed hours ago, so he can�t see you just yet!�