Chapter: 1393

�That�s true.� Renee�s gaze softened. �After all, the Hunt family were the only ones who helped my family when they went bankrupt that year. Besides, Grandpa arranged a marriage between Stefan and I because he believed that the Hunt family were the only ones who could truly take care of me. If they really were my parents� murderers, Grandpa would have never let me marry into the family.�

Renee did suspect the Hunt family that year, but she quickly eliminated that option because of Stefan�s grandfather. She chose to trust the Hunt family unconditionally.

�So, forget about it. Stop dwelling on it. You�re having a very good life now, so there�s no need to keep bringing up the past. We should look ahead instead�� Yulia knew that she couldn�t change Renee�s mind, but it didn�t stop her from trying.

Sometimes the truth was a double-edged sword � though it could provide clarity, it could also bring one grief.

�Don�t worry, I know what I�m doing.� Renee forced a smile onto her face.

She had to prepare herself to accept the truth, regardless of the consequences.

The coffee beans were almost ground. Renee meticulously brewed a cup of coffee for Stefan based on the temperature, richness, and sweetness that Stefan was used to.

Stefan was sitting in the garden. He was tapping his foot on the ground, seemingly impatient. When he heard footsteps behind him, he heaved a sigh of relief as if he was a child waiting for school to end.

�What took you so long?� He tried to sound casual, but the displeasure in his voice was clear. He had been waiting for her instead of that cup of coffee. He didn�t know when he had started to rely on her, but now, she made him feel safe.

�Don�t you know that good things come to those who wait? Of course, a good cup of coffee needs some time to brew.� She handed the steaming cup of coffee to him and said confidently, �I know you�ll love it.�

�Are you that confident?� Stefan was an extremely picky person, and did not think that the coffee she made would suit his taste. However, the second he took a sip, his eyes widened in shock. The familiar taste coated his tongue, and the fog in his head seemed to disappear.

Incredulity dawned on him. �This coffee��

�What do you think?� Renee looked at the man eagerly.

�This is the most delicious coffee I�ve ever had. It reminds me of� an old friend.� Stefan said softly, then closed his eyes and took another sip, savouring the smooth and rich flavour. Even though he was an extremely picky person, this cup of coffee was indeed impeccable. It was so perfect that he was sure he had become addicted to it.

�That�s for sure. This is my masterpiece.� Renee grinned, lifting her chin proudly. She learned how to brew coffee for Stefan�s sake. She became more motivated when she saw how much he enjoyed it, and it made her feel that all her efforts were worthwhile.

Stefan drank more coffee, and his muddled mind felt clearer. Scenes of a familiar woman flashed in his mind, but he could never see who she was. Whenever he tried, his head started to ache.

�Damn it!� Stefan groaned, his eyebrows knit tightly as he rested his head in his hands. He looked pained, and a thin layer of sweat had appeared on his forehead.

�What�s wrong?� Renee immediately stepped forward and held his shoulders, asking in concern.

�I seem to have had this coffee before. It evoked some memories, but they were all so blurry� My head hurts so much. It�s so painful!� Stefan�s head was spinning and his breathing was ragged. He felt so nauseous he almost threw up.

�Don�t� Stop thinking about it. Relax, and take deep breaths.� Renee panicked when she remembered what the doctor had said. She stroked his back gently, trying to make him relax.