Chapter: 1398

She felt so useless.

After a long silence, Stefan finally spoke up, �Let them evaluate my health, since everyone�s so curious about my condition.�

The medical staff heaved a sigh of relief and approached Stefan to carryout the evaluation.

�Mr. Hunt, we will begin now. Well inspect your brain first. Please bear with us.�

�No, you can�t!� Renee screamed, exhausting herself as she struggled in Jovan�s grasp.

�Don�t let them touch you! You�re Stefan Hunt! Didn�t you say that you weren�t a coward? KHow can you admit defeat so easily?!� Renee knew that if H Group did have such a rule, Jovan would succeed as soon as the medical report was produced. She didn�t understand why Stefan would admit defeat at such a critical moment. However, Stefan ignored Renee�s advice and appeared composed. �It�s too noisy here. Please leave after the inspection is over.�

The medical staff carried out the full body check-up and soon produced a report on Stefan�s condition.

�Mr. Hunt, Mr. Jovan, gentlemen, we have concluded our report for Mr. Hunt, which has already been uploaded to the internal platform of H Group. Currently, Mr. Hunt is blind with a fourth-level brain injury and a fractured bone on his right calf. His mental health is unstable, and his physical health is worrisome. After our investigation, we have come to the conclusion that he doesn�t have full civil power. He cannot use his brain intensively for work, and needs to rest and recuperate for a long time.� The staff reported emotionlessly.

�Shut up! How can you call yourselves doctors? Cut the crap! It�s just a brain injury. You claimed that he doesn�t have full civil power, but is this approved by law? Also, he�s only temporarily blind, and will recover soon. Your lousy report isn�t fair and objective!� Renee roared furiously.

�Miss Everheart, calm down. We didn�t know that Mr. Hunt was suffering from such serious injuries. Although H Group can�t survive without Mr. Hunt, Mr. Hunt�s health is the most important thing here��

�That�s right. We hope that he can recover soon. Well leave H Group in someone else�s care. Nothing is more important than one�s health!�

�When he�s healed, he can return to H Group. It�s no issue.�

After the board of directors learned that Stefan was blind and had a brain injury, they quickly withdrew their support. Even Leo, who had always been loyal to Stefan, chose to give up. He said in a low voice,

�That�s right. Mr. Hunt, you need to recuperate. I believe that there�ll be a more suitable person to take over H Group temporarily.�

A victorious smile bloomed on Jovan�s face. He immediately cleared his throat and stated,

�Gentlemen, don�t worry. As the only suitable heir of the Hunt family�s third generation, I�ll follow Mr. Hunt�s excellent example and bring H Group to higher levels.�

�Well, thank you, Mr. Jovan. Well leave H Group in your care from now on.� The directors clapped enthusiastically to express their loyalty. After all, Stefan�s blindness and brain injury were irreversible.

He was no longer the mighty and outstanding man from before, and could no longer turn the situation around.

The situation in the H Group, as well as the Hunt family, had now changed. A new leader had emerged and was now in power

The members of the board of directors produced a document and handed it to Stefan respectfully. �Mr. Hunt, this is the document to give up the right to manage H Group. We need your signature, but we don�t know if you can sign it on your own given your current condition.�