Chapter: 1518

the caption: [This is the love of the Night

Demon�s life!]

�Could she be Joanne Garcia?� Renee held her breath, excitedly zooming in on the picture over and over again.

She could definitely understand her brother�s anger if this really were her. Having depended on each other for so long, the betrayal of this pretty princess was definitely enough to break anyone, especially when she betrayed him for some� man.

�If I were Quinton, I wouldn�t just hold resentment against Stefan, I�d be willing to kill off the entire world out of heartache!� she thought.

�Joanne?� Liam was holding a cup of coffee when the photo on Renee�s screen caught his eye.

�Why? Do you recognize her?�

�Of course I do!� Liam continued staring at that photo, exclaiming in a high- pitched voice.

�When I was on a trip to Cyndiano, I was tricked into selling my body in some red light district! Since I didn�t obey, they almost took my life! Joanne was the one who saved me!�

�What� did you say?� Renee grabbed him by the shoulders and questioned further. �Look carefully, is this really her? Are you sure she is Joanne?�

�Yeah, but we all call her Jo� she looks very different now. It�s like she�s a completely

different person from this photo.�

�Where is she now? Quick, let�s head out right now. I have to get her back!� Renee jumped up, seemingly excited to set off.

�It�s best if you forget it. My master is very powerful, and I mean, very- powerful� At the time, he practically forced me into becoming his godson and taught me so many skills. So I was able to witness his terrifying power first-hand. That only made me more certain that I needed to escape. And now you�re trying to take his princess away from him��

Liam couldn�t help cowering in fear. �At the very least, I wouldn�t dare to go back anymore.�

�Then don�t, I�ll go myself. Give me the address.�

Renee didn�t want to put Liam in a difficult position either, and she was confident that she could take one person back with her martial skills and agility.

Renee would no longer have to worry once she�s brought Joanne back to reconcile with her brother, after all.

�Hell no.� Liam refused, putting his index fingers into the shape of an �X�. �I can�t even handle being there, and I play around a lot! You�re a girl and a beautiful one at that! Who knows what would happen when you�re there! I wont let you risk your life!�

�I heard it�s a pretty hellish place. Even a beast would be left with scars all over its body. But don�t you know me? When have I, Renee Everheart, ever been scared of anyone?�

�I know you�re strong, but you need to know that there are stronger people out there. My master is no joke! I almost made him explode when I refused to be his godson and escaped! He might imprison you and make you his concubine if you went there!�

�Shut it with the nonsense. Hand me the address!� Renee was impatient, restricting the man�s arms behind his back, increasing her force with every word she spoke until it was unbearable to him.

�So, are you going to tell me or not?�


�I�ll break your arms if you don�t.� Renee was quite skilled when it came to punishments, increasing force with every passing second.