Chapter: 1537

The man held a needle and suture thread with shaky hands and whimpered, �It was her! She didn�t want the anaesthesia, and asked us to be quick. We just wanted to grant her wish.�

�Cut the crap!� Renee slapped the man hard and snarled, �Why don�t I slash your waist without giving you anaesthesia and see how you like it? Do you want that?"

�N-No, please don�t! Well sew up her injuries now.� The man immediately started to sew up Joanne�s injuries, and the sight of the needle passing through Joanne�s flash was ghastly. Renee held Joanne�s hand and sobbed, �Joanne, hold on, it�ll be over soon. Scream if you�re in pain. It�s my fault I was late� I made you suffer.�

Joanne sweated profusely because of the excruciating pain. She then shook her head and said, smiling. �I�m fine. I�ve experienced a lot of things more painful than this. I can take it.�

�I�ll take you away after this, and you�ll be reborn. Didn�t you say that my eyes looked

familiar? Do you want to see them again? Well, you should go and see them on your own��

�I will. I�ll hold on but� I�m a little sleepy. I want to sleep. I�m so tired." Joanne�s voice grew weaker, and she struggled to keep her eyes open.

Renee was scared out of her wits, and screamed at the man stitching Joanne�s wounds, "What did you do?! Why does she look so weak?"

�We didn�t do anything! Maybe the blood loss was too much."

�Blood loss?� Renee�s head began to ache, and she demanded, �What should we do now? Will she be okay?�

�You have to rush her to the hospital for a blood transfusion. If not� it�ll be quite dangerous,�

the man in the white coat stammered. After all, she had such a big cut on her body, and it had bled profusely. In the past, all these men needed to do was cut open the body. They were never asked to sew up the injuries, so they weren�t prepared for such emergencies.

�I�m so sleepy. I want to sleep now�� Joanne�s voice was practically a whisper, and her hold on Renee�s hand grew weaker.

�No, Joanne, wake up! Don�t fall asleep� Hold on just a little longer. I want to take you

home so Quinton can meet you. He misses you very much, so don�t fall asleep.�

Regardless of what Renee said, Joanne eventually lost consciousness. Liam patted Renee�s shoulders gently to comfort her. �Boss, don�t panic. What we need to do now is take her away. I�m sure Benjamin knows what�s going on.�

Liam was right�at that moment, Benjamin had ordered half of the armed forces in the fort to surround the dismantling room.

�Dad, I�m begging you. Please let them go. I�ll listen to you as long as you let them go. I�ll take over your business and I�ll never disobey you. Please let them go�� Amber had been restrained by her father�s guards, and could only cry and scream helplessly.

�The three of them caused chaos in my fort, and trampled on my dignity and pride! If I let

them go, I can never show my face in these parts again."

Benjamin turned around and said to Mateo, �Keep an eye on her. The second they come out, shoot them. I don�t think they can escape the hail of bullets unscathed.�

�No, Dad, please don�t! If you dare to hurt Liam, I�ll take my life!� Amber wailed desperately. She knew that her life was the only bargaining chip she had.

�Silly girl, you�re young and haven�t met a lot of men. There are many men more exceptional than Liam. You don�t have to keep him alive since he doesn�t love you. You�ll find another man.�

�I�m not joking. If you don�t want to lose your only child, show some mercy and let them go!�

�If you choose to stand against me, I don�t mind punishing my family for the sake of