Chapter: 1734

�I�m doomed if my pig dies, I wouldn�t be able to survive! Mister, I�ll leave our lives in your hands.�

�Umm, well�� Scratching his head, Xavier allowed himself to be led to the pigsty. For the first time, he had to do something he wasn�t sure of. The pigsty was about a hundred square meters wide, and was piled with weeds, pig manure, and pig food.

The pungent combination of disgusting smells choked Xavier, forcing tears out of his eyes and filling him with disgust.

�Bleurgh� Wait. Let me catch my breath.� The foul smell was making Xavier�s head ache, and he didn�t even dare to take a step forward.

The pig squealed pitifully, on the verge of giving birth.

�Hurry up! My pig can�t wait any longer.� Jayden pushed Xavier into the pigsty anxiously.

Xavier stumbled into the dark pigsty, and looked at the five pregnant pigs around him. His body stiffened, and the blood drained from his face. Surely this was a fate worse than death.

�I can do this. There�s nothing I can�t do. I�ll go all out for those points!� Xavier swallowed and rolled up the sleeves of his white shirt.

However, this pig wasn�t easy to deal with. It squealed and kicked at Xavier, and it was covered in mud, pig food, and pig manure. Xavier tried to suppress his disgust as he approached the pig, but he couldn�t even get close.

�Mister, do something. My pig can�t hold on for much longer�� Jayden urged Xavier at the door of the pigsty, starting to get frustrated.

�Can you do it? If not, let someone else do it instead!�

�Calm down. I� I can do it!� Holding his breath, Xavier braced himself and approached the pig again. He knew he could do anything he wanted, and this was just a simple task. He took a deep breath, then fished out his phone to look up the necessary steps and precautions.

Firstly, he had to wash the pig�s body with potassium permanganate before laying it on the delivery bed to prevent infections after the delivery. Secondly, he had to get a pair of scissors to cut off the umbilical cord for the delivery. Thirdly, he had to get some old clothes and towels to help wipe the piglets� mouths and noses clean. During the process, he could soothe the pig by talking to it, singing to it, or stroking it to calm it down.

Xavier swallowed nervously after he read everything. He, a certified ladies� man and big shot of the entertainment circle, had sunk so low� It was ridiculous! He felt like leaving.

�Hey, Mr. Stuart. Can you do it? Let me do it if you don�t want to. I took animal husbandry in college, so I know how to do this,� Skylar said eagerly as he leaned over the pigsty. He would be happy to do it because his house was the second worst of the six, and he wanted to change it.

�Yes, I can do it.� Taking a deep breath, Xavier braced himself and grabbed a relatively gentler pig to wipe with potassium permanganate.

The pig whimpered in pain, and Xavier realized that the pig�s water had broken, and the piglets would soon come out.

�Come on, pig. You can do it. They�ll be out soon!� Xavier urged excitedly, trying his best to encourage the pig. He remembered that singing could help calm the pig, and started singing passionately. �It�s really hard to forget about you. Your pretty eyes, your innocent love� I want them all. I�ll be sad if you cry� Push hard!�

The camera crew and the guests were gathering outside. When they heard the pig squealing and Xavier singing, they were dumbfounded.

Leia exclaimed, �Is he out of his mind?�

Santiago said amusedly, �Mr. Stuart really isn�t picky since he�s willing to sing a love song to a pig.�

Adam grinned and said, �That�s brilliant! What�s the view count like?�

His assistant replied enthusiastically, �It�s soaring again! In fact, it�s even higher than the time Mr. Stuart kissed Miss Osborne on the boat!�

Meanwhile, the netizens couldn�t stop talking about Xavier.

[Xavier sang a love song� for a pig?]