Chapter: 1803

It was a younger version of Francine, just like how he remembered her when he was three or four years old. But why was his mother�s sketch in Renee�s father�s workroom?

�I�m done making the bed for you, Mr. Hunt.� After cleaning up the room, Margaret went to Stefan.

She saw the sketch just as Stefan wanted to put it away, and asked curiously, "Do you know the woman in the drawing, Mr. Hunt?�

�I�� Stefan swallowed, then asked carefully,

�Was there any kind of relationship between this woman and Renee�s father?

�I�m not sure about that, but I know that the late Mr. Everheart cherished this sketch very much. It might be a person he had imagined.

Whenever I came to clean this room, I often saw him staring at the sketch in a trance��

Margaret said softly, �The late Mr. and Mrs. Everheart had a very deep relationship and were a match made in heaven. They never argued or fought, except for the time when Mrs. Everheart found this sketch. I thought Mr. Everheart had thrown it away!�

�That�s weird. Does Renee know about this?� Stefan asked, feeling like things weren�t as simple as he thought.

�No, she doesn�t know. When Mr. and Mrs. Everheart got into a serious fight, Ms. Ren was studying abroad. By the time she came back, her parents had reconciled with each other. That�s why she knows nothing about this, and she�s never seen this sketch. If it�s possible, please keep this a secret, Mr. Hunt. It�s better not to tell Ms. Ren about it,�

Margaret told Stefan worriedly. After all, Renee�s parents were no longer alive, and Renee remembered that they had a good relationship. It would be quite hurtful for her if that image was shattered now.

�I won�t tell her�� Stefan took a deep breath and put the book back in its place.

�What won�t you tell me?� Renee�s curious voice came from the door.

Both Stefan and Margaret looked over, and Margaret immediately went over to support Renee.

�What are you doing here, Ms. Ren? What if you fall and hurt yourself?�

�I�m blind, not paralyzed,� Renee complained, then asked again, �What were you guys talking about? Are you keeping something from me?�

�No, we�re not!� Margaret casually said, �It�s Mr. Hunt. He said he can�t sleep in an unfamiliar bed and is worried that he cant get used to sleeping here. I asked him to tolerate it and not to tell you.�

�Is that so?� It wasn�t that easy to fool Renee. She reached out, carefully feeling her way to Stefan.

�Is that what you refused to tell me?�

�I�� Stefan knew that he couldn�t lie to her, and sighed deeply.