Chapter: 226

�What is he playing at?�

Jason was terrified, tugging on the ends of Stefan�s pants and begging for his life. �What did I do wrong, Mr. Hunt?! I did what you told me to! At least give me an explanation!�

Stefan narrowed his eyes, his gaze lowered menacingly. �I told you to ask her to leave, I didn�t say to kick her out. If you can�t understand basic orders, you are useless to me.�

The guards weren�t foolish enough to overlook Stefan�s implications, and knew what they needed to do at this point. Soon enough, Jason was dragged away, his haunting screams echoing down the hallway.

The rest of the crowd didn�t dare to gossip about Stefan either, so they quickly dispersed. Soon, the exhibition hall was silent again.

Stefan was still standing in place, staring at Renee coldly. Despite not saying a word, his piercing glare was very intimidating.

The woman, however, pretended as if Stefan didn�t exist. She quickly instructed the two interns to tidy up their exhibition area, which Jason had previously messed up.

�That screen is broken, so call the company�s logistics department and have them send over a new one as soon as possible��

As the interns knew all about Stefan�s power and status, they quickly got to work, not daring to even lift their heads. At the same time, their admiration for Renee only grew, especially since their boss didn�t even care about how influential Stefan was.

�She�s so cool! I can�t believe it!�

Stefan obviously didn�t enjoy being ignored and approached her, grabbing Renee by the wrist.

�Don�t tell me you�re actually serious about this.�

Renee frowned, feeling slightly perplexed.

�I don�t understand what you mean, Mr. Hunt.�

�You and that Osborne kid established this shell company, and stole H Group�s largest client from us. You�re only doing this to make me mad, aren�t you? Well you�ve achieved your goal, so why keep up the act?�

Renee finally realized what he meant. She scoffed and said sarcastically, �Stefan Hunt, do you really think Liam and I established Azure Group because of you?�

�What else would you be doing all this for?� Stefan demanded, staring straight into her eyes. You took my lawyers and established a company to rival mine, so what could your motive be other than revenge?�

�I�m clearly doing this because�� Renee paused, then grinned mysteriously as she half joked, I want your money!�

Stefan now looked rather speechless. He could tell that the woman was being dismissive, and her reply basically gave him no information on the situation.

�I told you that you can ask me for money if you need it. We were husband and wife, so I�ll definitely try to satisfy your financial needs as best as I can. You don�t have to beat around the bush when it comes to things like this.�