Chapter: 231

The possessiveness and jealousy that burned in him shocked Stefan himself, and the furrow between his brows deepened without him realizing it.

Seeing that Stefan said nothing in reply, Elijah assumed that his boss agreed with his suggestion.

Mustering up his courage, he cleared his throat and turned to Renee. �Ms. Everheart, Mr. Hunt here would like to have a drink with you. He�s got something he�d like to talk to you about in private!�

At the time, Renee was happily chatting away with the Minister of the Technology Industry and other prominent figures in the field, but as soon as she heard what Elijah said, the smile on her face faded abruptly.

She swirled the glass in her hand, which was filled with orange juice, and turned towards Stefan. An expression that Stefan had never seen before appeared in her eyes. With an inscrutable air, she said, �Since it�s an invitation from Mr. Stefan Hunt himself, it�s an honor I can�t possibly refuse,�

Like a proud emperor, Stefan sat there and haughtily glanced at the glass in Renee�s hand, which was filled to the brim with orange juice.

�Is that how you show your sincerity towards this industry?� He sneered.

�Sincerity is measured by what I do,� Renee retorted coldly, �not what I drink.�

She then turned to the top figures in the room and humbly stated, �Gentlemen, please forgive me for drinking orange juice instead of wine. I�m allergic to alcohol so unfortunately, I can�t join you for a glass. Nonetheless, please know that I hold all of you in the highest regard.�

�Orange juice instead of wine?� Stefan scoffed. �Do you think this is child�s play? The world of business is a battlefield where people fight to the death. No one here has any time to play with you. If you can�t adapt to this world, you�d better just go home now and not waste anyone�s time.�

Hearing this, the crowd immediately sensed a rivalry between them. If they did not pick the right side, their days in the field would be numbered. And so, they targeted Renee, echoing the sentiments that Stefan just made.

�Mr. Hunt has a point, Ms. Everheart! No one drinks orange juice at the bar. Are you making fun of us here?�

�As the director of the association, you will have to attend a lot of events in the future where socializing is necessary. If you can�t adapt to this kind of situation, then I think you�d better step down as soon as possible!�

Stefan swirled the glass of red wine in his hand and raised his brows in satisfaction. He stared at Renee with a smug expression on his face, as if looking down at a pesky bug who should never have been there in the first place.

Renee cursed him silently. She should have known that a spiteful and vindictive man like Stefan would never miss a chance to embarrass her! The truth was that Renee could hold her liquor remarkably well.

�Fine,� she thought, �since Stefan is trying to challenge me, I�ll just have to teach him what regret really feels like!�

�You�ve made a great point, Mr. Hunt. It is my fault that I never considered this deeply enough. You�re right, I should drink some alcohol,� Renee said graciously, then downed the entire glass juice in one gulp and picked up the wine decanter from the table. She poured herself a full glass of red wine, then, with a mysterious expression on her face, she turned to Stefan and suddenly said,

�But wait! What�s the fun in just drinking the wine? Why don�t we play a finger guessing game, Mr. Hunt? If you win, I�ll drink as much as you like.�

Stefan�s icy gaze betrayed his disdain. Because of his status and reputation, he had never played such a trivial drinking game with anyone before, much less a woman. you �Are you reluctant to play,� teased Renee with a sly smile, �because you�re afraid that might lose? If you�re afraid of a woman, Mr. Hunt, then I think you�re even less suited for the battlefield of business than I am!�

Everyone in the room gasped. What a bold and daring woman Renee Everheart was! It proved that you really shouldn�t judge a book by its cover. However, considering these two used to be married to each other in the past, they could not help but wonder if this was actually a lover�s quarrel with a flirtatious undertone.