Chapter: 265

�I want to give the backyard a good makeover. Let�s plant lots of sunflowers like in the past.�

�That�s wonderful. I�ll help you!� said Margaret gaily, �The garden used to be full of sunflowers, and it was very beautiful during the flowering season. We should really bring the house back to life!�

After breakfast, the two got busy tidying up the overgrown garden. They cleared the weeds and loosened the soil.

Since Renee was pregnant, she could only manage simple and easy things. It was Margaret who did most of the hard work.

When Margaret was shoveling the soil, she suddenly found a foreign object in the soil and threw away the shovel in shock. � Miss Ren, come and take a look at this!�

Renee hurried over upon hearing Margaret and saw a green carved jade lying in the deep hole.

She picked up the jade and brushed away the dirt to examine it more carefully.

The jade was bright green and translucent.

There was no trace of impurities, and it was cool to touch. Judging from the exquisite carvings on the gemstone, she knew immediately it was a priceless antique.

Margaret stared at the ornament in confusion. �This is strange. Since when was such valuable jade buried in the backyard? Hasn't anyone discovered this before? Could it be that someone sneaked in and buried this here after the fall of the Everheart family?�

Renee frowned as she tried to figure out an answer, and that was when her eyes were drawn to the pattern carved on the jade.

She had a feeling that she had seen this pattern before. �I don�t think so.�

Margaret carefully recalled the past. �I have been guarding this house diligently since the incident. It�s impossible that anyone got in.

Even if someone took the opportunity of my brief absence to sneak in and bury this, I would have noticed it. Anyway, who would hide such a high�grade jade in someone else�s backyard? Has he nothing better to do?�

Renee nodded in agreement.

Margaret was a meticulous person. There was no way she would not have found it if someone had touched the soil of the backyard.

So, a stronger possibility would be that this jade was buried in the backyard for a long time, but no one had ever found it.

�Margaret, I feel familiar with this pattern but can�t remember where I have seen it before. Do you have any impression of it?�

�Let me take a look at it.�

Margaret even put on her glasses to see it clearly.