Chapter: 280

She now carried herself proudly like a queen, displaying an image that was hard for him to comprehend. He suddenly thought of a saying: "the first response of falling in love was to feel inferior."

Did that mean� that Renee really no longer loved him?

Because she didn�t love him anymore, was that why she felt free to be herself?

With that conclusion swimming in his mind, Stefan�s heart clenched, and he felt awfully uncomfortable.

Renee glanced around for a moment, and when she couldn�t find what she was looking for, started to complain, �Ugh. I couldn�t find my stuff in the first place, and you had to send away the one person who knew where it was. It�ll be even harder to find now.�

Stefan came out of his thoughts and coldly asked, �What are you looking for?�

�I�m looking for my suitcase. There�s something very important inside,� Renee replied, then let out a long sigh. It seemed like she would have to look for it herself.

The entire villa spanned an area of hundreds of square feet, and finding a small box would certainly be almost impossible.

Stefan crossed his arms and watched the woman go about looking for it. He didn�t say a word and simply shook his head as she shuffled around.

What a damn stubborn woman! What exactly was in the box? Was it worth the trouble she was going through?

Thus, unable to stand the sight of Renee trundling around like a headless chicken, he summoned all the staff in the villa to help her look for it.

With the abundant manpower at their disposal, they scoured all four floors of the villa, its surrounding gardens, and even under the carpets, but they couldn�t find anything.

�Did Briar dump it somewhere outside?� Renee wondered out loud as she rubbed her chin, thinking about this possibility.

Suddenly, a young maid came up, gasping for breath as she huffed, �I I�I found it�! It� It�s just that it scared me a little!�

Renee, overjoyed, hurriedly asked, �Well, where is it? Hurry up and bring it to me!�

The young maid looked fearful and stammered,

�M�ma�am, your suitcase was in the basement. It�s� well, it�s best if you see for yourself!�

�What? In the basement?� Renee parroted, caught between laughter and tears at the revelation.

They had exerted so much effort to search the entire villa, yet they overlooked where it would most likely be. How absurd was that?

However, judging from the maid�s expression, Renee didn�t think things were that simple. Heading downstairs, she went to the basement.