Chapter: 350

The person who spoke was a middle-aged woman who looked very kind and elegant.

She was Sophia Zimmer, the wife of Renee�s former doctoral supervisor, Anthony Wood.

Renee said, �Aww, he shouldn�t have. I come here for free meals all the time, so you guys should just feed me leftovers. There�s mm no need to buy extra food just because I�m coming.�

�No way. Anthony talks about you a lot, saying that of all the students he�s taught, you�re the one with the most talented physics. Of course he has to give you special treatment.�

�Besides, Jane is growing, so she needs to eat more anyway.�

Sophia�s face lit up at the mention of Jane. She continued to ramble on. �Jane is really fond of you. When she heard that you�re coming, she got up early today and said she wanted to go grocery with Anthony so that she could buy your favorite food for you!�

�Mm�hmm, I like Jane too. That kid is clever!�

That�s right. It�s a small world.

The intellectual couple that adopted Jane from Sandra Lee years ago was none other than Renee�s college mentor Anthony. Wood and his wife Sophia Zimmer.

After the divorce, Renee gradually resumed contact with her mentor and ended up growing close to Jane too. It was not an exaggeration to say that they were besties.

�Oh, Anthony also said we�ll have another special guest today, so he asked me to make more food.�

Sophia added.

�A special guest?�

Renee could not help being curious. �Who could it be?�

As she said that, Anthony Wood led a bouncing Jane and the special guest into the house�

�Stefan Hunt!� exclaimed Renee in surprise.

When Renee saw the tall figure standing behind Professor Wood and Jane, she was so shocked that her eyes almost fell out.

Stefan Hunt was a businessman through and through. What did he have to talk about with Professor Wood, a famous scholar?

Was he also here for Jane?

�Big Sis Renee, you�re here! Jane missed you so much!�