Chapter: 360

�He died!� Renee was still mad.

She turned on her phone to delete Mr. Moon from her friend list, but in the end, she simply could not do it.

Looking through the chat history between them, his words seemed indifferent at first, but he was actually showing concern for her� She did not know how to feel about that!

Professor Wood could guess that they must have had an argument. He sighed and said, �Both of you are outstanding individuals and are strong in your own right. That�s why your relationship is bound to be bumpy.�

�There�s no relationship. We�ve already divorced!�

Professor Wood laughed and said meaningfully. �Emotions aren�t stagnant. It has nothing to do with marriage. Didn�t you want to know why Mr. Hunt was here looking for me? I can tell you now� chapter 210

Renee�s interest was piqued. She looked at Professor Wood expectantly, holding her chin like a student.

Professor Wood pushed his glasses up and told her the truth, �Mr. Hunt came today to discuss with me his intention to acquire half of the management rights of BC University��

�What? He wants to acquire BC University?�

Renee was still emotional and felt that it was ridiculous. �BC University is one of the top public universities in the country, especially its engineering majors. It�s a well�known university even on a global scale. Stefan actually dares to mess with a public university?!�

Professor Wood shook his head and said, �No, no, how can you call it messing with us? He�s doing it so that BC University would have a brighter future. You know what it�s like for public universities these days. With limited funding for scientific research, many experimental projects have not made any progress for years��

�If the H Group really acquires half the management rights of BC University, it would make BC University a semi public and semi private university. BC University will not have to worry about scientific research funding anymore and still maintain its authority. Isn�t that the best of both worlds?�

What Professor Wood said sounded reasonable. It must be a very persuasive proposal for the staff and students of BC University.

But Renee knew Stefan very well.

He was a businessman through and through.

Since he was a businessman, he would never do a losing trade. There must be a deeper conspiracy behind the massive funding!

�Professor Wood, I don�t think things will be that simple. Stefan is a shrewd person. I don�t believe he�ll selflessly fund BC University without expecting any returns. He must have some harsh conditions, right?�

Professor Wood nodded and said, �Mr. Hunt did state some conditions, but I don�t think they�re that harsh. I find them acceptable.�

Renee quickly asked, �What are the conditions?�

�After Mr. Hunt acquires BC University, he�ll provide unlimited funding to BC University, including construction funds, experimental funds, incentive funds, etc. However, his condition is that all future research achievements of BC University will immediately be shared with the H Group, and the scientific research achievements in the fields of physics and electronics will be owned by the H Group��