Chapter: 458

Renee pulled Xavier into the tea room and slammed the door shut. The tea room was big and had good ventilation. The large windows were their only escape route now.

Renee did not panic in the face of danger. She tore two pieces of cloth and wet them. She used one to cover her mouth and nose and handed the other to Xavier, telling him, �We can try escaping through the window!�

Xavier ran to the window. He saw that it was not very high and there were footholds that they could use to climb down. A tall, healthy man like him could reach the ground safely if he was careful.

�Good idea��

Xavier squatted down again and gestured with his head for her to climb on. �We don�t have much time. Hurry up, or we�ll be in trouble when the fire reaches us!�

�No way!�

Renee firmly refused. �It�ll take too long for you to carry me downstairs, not to mention too dangerous. Why don�t you climb down alone first and look for help?�

Although the window was not very high and the climb was not that difficult, it would be a different story if he was carrying someone on his back. She did not want to be a burden to him.

�Nonsense! I�m not a coward! I�m not gonna run away by myself and leave a pregnant woman here to die! I can�t do that��

Xavier urged, �Stop wasting time and hop on. I�m actually a skilled rock climber, so it won�t be a problem for me.�

The fire burned ever fiercer. Even the tea room�s door was burning by now, pouring black smoke and embers into the room. The situation was pressing�

Renee touched her belly. There were two living beings inside, so she did not dare take risks.

Therefore, she steeled herself and climbed onto Xavier�s back. She put her arms around the man�s neck, held on tightly and thanked him. �Okay, I�ll leave my life and my babies� lives in your hands!�

Xavier took a deep breath and said solemnly, �Don�t worry, I�ll make sure we all get out of here safe and sound!�

Xavier climbed out of the window with Renee on his back.

Due to the weight he was carrying, every step he took was careful and laborious. His arms needed a lot of strength just to hold on�

Smoke billowed and flames raged, �pursuing� them like the Grim Reaper.

Xavier moved down one step at a time. Sweat dripped down his face like rain, wetting his clothes, bulging veins could be seen on his handsome face that was flushed red from using too much force. He was obviously having a really difficult time and was rapidly running out of stamina.

They were now between the first floor and the second floor. The blazing fire was above them and the hard ground was below them.

Xavier could have just jumped down if it wasn�t for Renee. However, with Renee on his back, he could only descend step by step, which meant that they were escaping rather slowly.