Chapter: 629

�It�s good to have confidence, but you should use it in the right place.�

Renee raised her head and looked Haze in the eye. �Now, can you tell me what Stefan Hunt�s schedule is for this evening?�

�See? You still care about him��

Haze sighed and said truthfully, �His itinerary showed that he, like you, has a candlelight dinner planned for this evening.�


Renee suddenly became interested, �With whom?�

�With a woman named Briar Desrosiers. You probably don�t know this, but while you were gone, he�s been having a great time. His relationship with Briar Desrosiers is very stable, and I think� they�re close to getting married.�

�That�s great!�

There was an uncontrollable joy in Renee�s eyes.

If Stefan really was marrying Briar Desrosiers, he would definitely not be interested in Renee�s children anymore.

After all, Briar Desrosiers was not a benevolent woman. There was no way she would be willing to become a stepmother. She would definitely stop Stefan from taking Renee�s children.

�Oh god, please let them get married as soon as possible. I�ll feel at ease when they do.�

Renee said excitedly.

Haze studied Renee�s reaction with a frown. �Are you just acting tough?�

�Do I look like I�m acting tough?�

Renee was so happy that she began to indulge in her food.

Haze said, �After you and Stefan left the Baldwin family four years ago, I had a really rough time. My grandfather, my father, my mother� took turns admonishing and humiliating me. They said I�m useless because I couldn�t win over your heart. Therefore, when they learned that you�re back, they celebrated like it was Christmas. They said I have to make you mine at all costs.�

�Really? What kind of costs are the Baldwin family willing to pay?�

Renee asked with a smile.

�Not much. Just an endless amount of money.�