Chapter: 648


Renee averted her gaze helplessly. She wanted to say that she didn�t voluntarily look for Briar, that it was the other way around. Moreover, she didn�t intend to push the woman at all. Briar had just provoked her ruthlessly, which had resulted in

However, she knew that her explanation didn�t matter, since she wasn�t exactly innocent in this bloody tragedy. Thus, she decided that it was best to save her explanation.

�Just a little sooner! If we were a little sooner, this tragedy wouldn�t have happened in the first place! How could you be so cruel as to stand back and watch? What were you so scared of?!�

Stefan�s eyes seemed to be tearing up. He didn�t seem angry � it looked more like regret.

�I had already chosen you! If we were a few seconds sooner� everything wouldn�t have turned out this way!�

At the time, he had just left the Baldwin family manor with Renee, and had realized his true feelings for the woman. He had been waiting for her answer as well, hoping that she�d agree to start over with him. Yet, no one expected something like this to happen�

�We wouldn�t have ended up like this if we arrived a little sooner!�

�I�m so sorry��

Renee slowly lowered her head, speaking regretfully.

Stefan sighed softly.

�After she lost her child, Briar lost her mind as well. The doctors said she had severe manic depression and anxiety, and she has to take medication for life to regulate her condition. However, although the medicine helped calm her down, there were severe side effects too. Her insanity worsened, and now, she needs me around constantly��

Stefan looked at the silent Briar.

�When her head is clear, she remembers that she lost both her child and uterus, and will sob the entire day away. Otherwise, she�d think she was still pregnant, and drag me to check ups and shops for toys and children�s clothing.�

�She probably didn�t take her meds today, which was why she kept insisting that it was her child�s death anniversary. She wanted to buy some clothes in memory of him, but was triggered as soon as she saw you. That�s why she reacted that way.�

The man explained the entire situation to Renee.

�I�m not telling you all this to take revenge or punish you; I just want you to know that you�re not the only one hurting in this world. You might be upset, but Briar is in misery too. How could I not feel sad?�

Stefan looked pained. He had sealed those memories away already, and didn�t want to bring them up anymore. He told himself that he would use the rest of his life to repent for his sins.

However, Renee had returned now, and he just couldn�t pretend that she didn�t exist in his heart.

�You said that I hated you, and I admit that I did for a while. But the truth is � I hated myself the most, since I couldn�t manage our relationship well. I idealized everything, and in the end, I was too late. I couldn�t stop this from happening��