Chapter: 835

A beautiful female employee in a traditional dress was standing at the door, politely greeting Chase.

�Mm-hmm,� Chase nodded, then led Renee into the interior section of Carmine Pawnshop.

Renee was instantly mesmerized by the sights around her when she finally got inside. She was now in the courtyard of Carmine Pawnshop, which had traditional architecture, making it look like a museum where every little room was a small exhibition for countless rare items.

But she was in no mood to admire these items right now. She followed Chase closely behind and asked, �Can you take me to your boss now?�

�Not yet,� replied Chase plainly. Then, in a voice filled with pride, he added, �Right now I�m bringing you on a tour around the place. Witness the true scale of our business and see how remarkable and wealthy we are.�

He had acquired all these treasures himself by traveling to famous corners of the world, sometimes even crossing oceans, to take them back here. He�d proudly show these trophies that spoke of his achievements to anyone he met.

This rendered Renee speechless for a while, until she told him through gritted teeth, �Can�t you show me around some other time? Please just take me to your boss first. I�m in a bit of a hurry.�

�I can�t even if you�re in a hurry,� Chase explained with his hands stretched out helplessly. �Because our boss is really busy right now. He�s got a million things to do every day. I don�t even know where he is, when he�d come back, or when he�d leave��

When he noticed that Renee was so angry he could tear him into pieces at any moment, he added, �But you can take a chance and wait for him here in the internal section. He often comes back here lately, so you might really get the chance to see him after all.�

�Is that so?� Renee�s fists were tightly clenched. She really wanted to punch Chase right now. �Well, I must really thank you for your help then!�

After all she�d been through, she might not even get to meet that legendary boss everyone was talking about tonight! So why the hell did Chase have to take her here in such a hurry? Was it all simply to show off his precious treasures to her?

Just then, a beautiful woman meekly interrupted them and announced,� The boss has returned tonight, Mr. Cheever, but he is extremely busy, so he said not to disturb him if there�s nothing urgent.�

�Really?� Chase�s eyes lit up. �That�s great! Where is he right now? What could make him so busy? Did he find something precious?�

�Um� Boss is in the kitchen. I think he�s� busy cooking.� The woman smiled awkwardly.

�Cooking?!� Renee felt like cursing them all. She turned to Chase and asked, �Is this what you mean when you tell me your boss is always so busy with a million things to do every day?!�

�Well�� Chase could hardly believe it himself. But to mend the situation he shamelessly suggested, �I guess our boss must�ve found some rare precious pots to try!�

Before she came here, she assumed that Carmine Pawnshop was a hellish place where fearsome demons gathered, but she realized that it was more of a house full of comedians! Even their boss-the infamous Night Demon seemed to have lost his mind. Why would he be busy cooking in the dead of night if he wasn�t?!

�I�m glad he�s here! I�ll go over there and inform him about you. Please follow Jenny for now, she will take you to the living room and my boss will meet you there.�

�Okay,� Renee nodded and followed Jenny into the living room to wait for Mr. Q. Chase then headed straight to the kitchen, and in the distance he could already hear the clamor from the kitchen, accompanied by a man�s voice cursing.

�F*** it! How is this beef so tough?! I�ve been cooking it for half a day and it�s still as hard as a rock!�