Chapter: 847

�I want you to tell the truth.�

He grinned as he continued, �Did you hide any secrets from your mother?�


Abby paused after sneaking a glimpse at Renee. She was, indeed, concealingsecrets from Renee.

�You must abide by the rules. Your nose will grow long if you lie.� Mr. Q frowned deeply and admonished Abby.

Renee was also curious and attempted to find out the truth from Abby.� What�s the secret? Tell me, I�m curious!�

�Okay, I�ll tell you, but Mommy mustn�t be angry.� Abby blinked her eyes and smiled at Renee.

�Don�t be concerned. I�m not going to be upset. Everyone has secrets, even me.�

Renee considered herself a more positive mother, believing that as long as herchildren did not do something wrong, she would support them.

�Okay, I�ll tell you.�

Abby stated gravely, sucking in a long breath and holding Renee�s hands with her small hand. �Mommy, I want to tell you that Addie and I want a daddy. Despite your assurances that we can be happy without Daddy, I believe wewould be happier if we had one. Can you find a daddy for me and Addie, Mommy?�

Renee was surprised, and the warm grin on her face vanished, leaving her face gloomy.

When Abby saw this, she immediately exclaimed, �Mommy, I was kidding. We don�t need a father. We are content with you. Please do not feel pressed or angry with me.�

�No. How could I be upset with you? I�m just��

Renee stopped before saying, �I�m just shocked that you and Addie wanted a daddy.�

They had grown used to not having a father in their lives since they were born. She would attempt to obscure the character while reading a story.

Furthermore, the two children were quite understanding and never indicated a need for a father before her.

As a result, she assumed that they had never mind required their father�s affection before.

However, it turned out that just because they didn�t say it didn�t imply that theydidn�t want a father. They didn�t tell her since they didn�t want to put her under any strain. She began to be sad at the thought of her attentive children.

Mr. Q replied coldly. �Isn�t this obvious? Every child desires a father. Even if amother is wonderful, she will never be able to fill the position of a father. Do you not realize this? Or are you simply being selfish?�