Chapter: 897

�Well,� Stefan shrugged indifferently, �she�s right here. If you want her so much, you can just fight for her with your own capabilities. What�s the point of declaring war with me?�

As soon as he finished speaking, he strode straight out of the restroom, not even glancing at Renee as he walked past her. It was as if the two were complete strangers � that was how cold Stefan was!

With that, only Renee and Jovan were left standing in the men�s restroom awkwardly. Like a villain who had succeeded in bringing his evil plan to fruition, a sinister yet childish smile cropped up on Jovan�s face.

He told Renee, �You see? You clearly made the right choice in leaving your ex-husband, because all he ever wanted was a tool to perfect his image. He was never interested in you, he never understood you, and he never even wanted to understand you. What a failure.�

�Why, thank you for the enlightenment, Jovan!� Renee could not help but roll her eyes as she pointedly sneered, �If you have that much spare time, why don�t you worry about yourself instead? How stupid can you be? You�ve been played like a fiddle and wiped out from your position, yet you�re still here bragging like an idiot!�

Jovan wasn�t angered by her words, and instead approached Renee with a cheeky smile. �So, you�re worried about me, huh?�

Renee let out a frustrated snarl and kicked Jovan in the butt before replying sarcastically, �Like I�d be concerned for your sorry self!� She then held her head high like a proud swan and stomped out of the restroom.

Jovan watched as Renee walked away from him, his eyebrows raised slightly and a wicked smile on his face. What a cool woman� She was exactly his type!

Meanwhile, the large group of men who had been waiting to get inside the restroom were mostly well-known reporters. Because of what happened, countless baseless and ridiculous rumors started to spread.

�The former Mrs. Hunt couldn�t choose between her old flame and her new fling,� one rumor said, �so she had a liaison with both of them in the men�s restroom!�

�The president of H Group fought his cousin for his ex-wife�s hand,� another rumor alleged, �but failed in the end! He won in business, but lost in love!�

�Jovan Hunt bravely pursued his cousin�s ex-wife,� one of the most ridiculous rumors claimed, �and asked for her hand in marriage in the men�s restroom. She said yes!�

As Renee was driving, she saw all these preposterous headlines that Leia sent her, and got so enraged that she nearly hit another car.

�Those damn reporters are a bunch of psychos!� She spat. �It�s like they�ve got brain damage or something! Couldn�t they write better? Why did they have to mention �men�s restroom� in every sentence? Were they trying to humiliate me?�

On the other end of the line, Leia was in a fit of laughter. She could not contain her curiosity, so she asked, �Tell me the truth� Now that Stefan Hunt has returned from the dead, has the love between the both of you been reanimated too?�

The news of Stefan Hunt�s �resurrection� hit Beach City like a thunderbolt, throwing everyone into a state of pandemonium. Virtually everyone in the city was talking about it, including Leia herself. In fact, she had been calling Renee incessantly the whole time.

Leia didn�t know what to think of Stefan Hunt. On one hand, he was a total scumbag, but on the other hand, she remembered how he sacrificed himself to save Renee. Clearly, despite his terrible personality, there was clearly still some good in him. Besides, the two now had a pair of twins; their reconciliation would indeed be a picture perfect ending.

�Don�t even mention that jerk!� Renee�s anger had just subsided, but it quickly boiled up again when she thought of how cold and arrogant Stefan was.

�I was thinking,� Renee continued viciously, �that he should�ve at least informed me that he wasn�t actually dead. But when I saw him again, he was perfectly fine � as stylish as ever, and cold like he�d been living in a freezer for eight hundred years! He actually pretended that he didn�t know me� what the hell?! I wasn�t even trying to bring up our relationship, but he came up to me and acted all cool and haughty. Who did he think he was? If he didn�t almost break his own leg carrying me out of the mountains that day, I would�ve never even bothered to think about him! But I guess it�s good that things turned out this way� Since he�s so arrogant, I�ll make sure to give him a good slap in the face to humble him!�

As she spoke, an enigmatic smile bloomed on her face. She had come up with a plan to deal with Stefan Hunt. That heartless robot should have stayed dead, but since he was alive again, things would surely get more exciting from now. She would drive him to a point where he would cry for his mommy and beg her to let him go!