The Whipper Kingdom�s people could not hide their shock and admiration. Cale approached Jack, who was breathing heavily.
He then took Jack to a corner of the tent and sat him down.
�Are you okay?�
Jack smiled in response to Cale�s question. He brushed the sweat off of his forehead with his shaking hand as he started to speak.
�Young master-nim.�
�I think it was the right decision to follow you here.�
�What the heck is he suddenly talking about?�
Cale did not understand as he looked toward Jack. He then flinched.
Jack was smiling brightly. He seemed to be happy. He started to speak in a quiet voice that only Cale could hear.
�When I was with the church, my life revolved around healing the important people. I have never seen people who truly needed the hand of god. But now��
Jack�s eyes were suddenly full of energy again.
�I finally realized what it is I have to do. Young master-nim, can I tell you a funny story?�
��What is it?�
Jack clenched and then unclenched his fist. His hands stopped shaking.
�My healing abilities.�
Jack finally thought he could understand the will of his god.
�Young master Cale, my healing abilities seem to be getting stronger.�
Cale was amazed as soon as he heard what Jack had to say.
His healing abilities were getting stronger even though he could already heal someone who was at death�s door?