�Lily, When I was the Knight Captain of a small territory, there was one important thing I learned.�
�Master, what was it?�
�The door needs to be sturdy.�
�The door?�
�Yes, the door. If a sturdy door protects the entrance of the territory so that nobody can be tempted to take it, the people inside will have no fear.�
��So I should become a knight that is like that door?�
�Yes. You must become a door that is even sturdier than the castle wall.�
Lily shared that with her oldest brother.
�I will become a knight that is like a door!�
Cale flinched while wondering what she was talking about but nodded his head while thinking that a young child should have a vivid imagination.
�Alright, work hard. Just don�t try to rush anything.�
�Yes sir!�
Cale watched as Lily headed back to train with excitement on her face before opening the door to the study. The smile on his face quickly disappeared.
�Freesia, long time no see.�
The assassin who is pretending to be a sculptor. The woman who had sculpted the devil-like rabbit bowed her head at Cale�s greeting.
Cale picked up the cup of tea Ron offered him as soon as he sat down on his chair.
�Yes sir.�
�Did you say you are from the Southwest district?�
You needed to cross the border from the Roan Kingdom�s Southwest district in order to get into the Empire.
The crown prince was planning on teleporting to the Southwest district and then crossing the border with the envoy.