Chapter: 1156

��Let�s keep reading.�


Raon looked at the diary that was in the Empire�s language.

< For someone who was called the future Queen to end up like this. Who knew the second prince and the Pope would do such a terrible thing? >

< Why did I ask royal father to bring the Sun God into the Empire? Wasn�t it because I was a Holy Maiden? >

< That was why I said the Pope, that was why I said that bastard could not become Pope! They were all tricked by that evil mask! This is unfair! >

Raon read it all for Cale. He then continued to read.

�You stole the God of Death�s divine item because you are scared of the Church of the God of Death? How could that be the will of the just Sun God? You bastards deserve to die miserable deaths!�

The puzzle was slowly coming together for Cale.

The last Holy Maiden was the heir to the throne.

�The second prince was probably the one with the most influence after her.�

The second prince and the Pope had conspired to imprison the Holy Maiden in here.

They were also the ones to put the divine item of their enemy, the God of Death, in here.

�That was why the Pope liked to walk here a lot.�

The Pope did not walk here because of the Condemnation of the Sun.

It was because of this bomb that needed to be kept an even a bigger secret. It was something only he could know about.

�I guess it makes sense.�

The Church of the Sun God is one of the most famous groups on the continent.

The Church of the God of Death is not as strong in influence.

However, death was stronger than the sun. It made sense why they would still be wary of them.

At that moment, Raon�s continued translation reached Cale�s ear.

�Stupid idiots! You burned my palace once you imprisoned me? You then called me crazy and a heretic for laughing? Why do you think I laughed?�


Raon gasped as he continued to speak.