Chapter: 1206

Adin�s face suddenly showed both gratitude and concern as he quickly made eye contact with Cale again.

�Yes, everybody is okay thanks to you. There are some who have minor injuries, but it does not seem to be too serious.�

�I see.�

Cale slightly frowned after hearing the words, �minor injuries.� His gaze then looked past the Imperial Prince and toward the mages and Alchemists.

He started to speak after observing them continuing to support the tower.

�It should be okay, right?�

�This tower should be fine now, right?�

Adin energetically responded to Cale, who continued to show his concern until the end.

�It will be fine.�

That made Cale respectfully bow his head before looking back up. He pushed back his slightly messed up hair. The tips of his fingers were shaking.

The Imperial Prince thoroughly observed Cale�s shaking hands. The crown prince interjected himself into their conversation at that moment.

�Your hand is shaking so much. It is worse than last time.�

�No, your highness. I am okay.�

Cale shook his head while smiling at Alberu. Alberu started to frown.

�Okay?! The last time you did this you had to rest for a couple of months! The reason you coughed up blood is because your body is breaking down on the inside!�

��An internal breakdown? Isn�t that a bit too much?�

Cale was debating whether he should do something about Alberu�s choice of words when someone suddenly grabbed his arms. It was Daltaro.

He quietly whispered as they were in front of the Imperial Prince. However, it was still loud enough for others to hear.

�You do not need to force yourself to stand up like this. Young master Cale, it is okay to rest now.�

Daltaro�s eyes were sparkling with both concern and a sense of pride. Cale felt iffy after seeing such a gaze, but he decided to play along for now.


Imperial Prince Adin, who had been quietly observing him, started to speak as Cale tried to say something.

�It will be fine. We will take care of everything from here, so you can go get some rest.�

It was as if he was giving a stern command.