Chapter: 1273

Cale shared a thought that quickly passed through his mind.

�They think they were selected by the World Tree?�

�Something like that.�

Archie snorted before adding on.

�These Elves are extremely arrogant because they are the only Elves who can see the World Tree as well as a Dragon quite frequently.�

Paseton slowly commented as well.

�Mm, they definitely have a habit of ignoring and looking down on other races. It is probably the worst here than any other Elf Village. Although we are going at a Dragon-nim�s order, but, mm.�

Paseton could not finish his sentence.


Archie responded back at Cale�s urging.

�But they will probably ignore you because you are human. They look down on us Whales as idiots with strong bodies.�

Archie seemed to be angry.

He would have whipped them with his tail if Whale King Shickler had not told him to let it go because of the World Tree.

Paseton, on the other hand, seemed to choose to take a solemn expression.

��Captain Archie is pretty bad too.�

Paseton had seen Archie respond to rudeness with even more rudeness in the past.

Cale asked the two Whales a question at that time.

�Don�t you know how Elves feel about Dragons?�

�We do. They apparently respect them.�

�Have you ever seen the Elves meeting a Dragon?�

�I have not.�

Archie answered while peeking toward Raon. He then cautiously added on.

�I suppose they may slightly lower those stiff necks of theirs because Raon-nim is with us this time.�

�You really think that�ll be the case?�