A small tong in Cale�s hand fell to the floor. He had found the item that the Sound of the Wind was touching at that moment. Raon�s voice continued on as well.
�Yes! That is the item! I feel a grudge as cold as winter coming from it! It feels like the revenge of the snow! Oh, that is a good name! The Snow�s Revenge!�
�This is driving me nuts.�
Cale looked toward the item that Raon was calling the, �Snow�s Revenge.�
It was a watering can.
It looked like a common blue watering can.
It just had an outdated design due to its age.
Cale covered his face with both hands.
This did not seem to be the, �God�s Tears.� (God�s Tears seems to be the divine item, so it will be capitalized from here onward. I think I got most of them already though. )
�Anger and grudge? Sounds more like, �God�s Rage� than God�s Tears.�
Cale lowered his hands from his face.
There was no reason for the entire legend to be true.
Cale looked toward Raon, who blinked his round eyes a few times before going, �ah!� as if he realized what Cale was thinking.
�Human, I do not think it is dangerous to us! It is not getting angry at us!� JrNovels.com