�Isn�t the Chryshi household a household that is famous for being a household of scholars?�
It was the household that had been the instructors of the crown two hundred years ago. That was why the Gyerre Duchy chose to accept such a household without any territories or wealth as a vassal.
�Young master-nim.�
Ron gently responded to Cale�s question.
�The past does not necessarily continue to the present.�
�I guess that is true.�
Cale agreed.
Regardless of whether they were a household of scholars in the past, they were a terrible household now.
The fact that they would hire people to kidnap children showed that they were not right in the head.
�Young master-nim, it was two nights ago.�
Cale looked toward Ron. The fact that Ron had been seriously acting like a benign old man since earlier was making Cale feel iffy. Ron seemed to look healthier after receiving his fake yet strong arm.
�Maybe it is because I am getting older, but I could not fall asleep that night. That was why I decided to talk a light walk through the back alleys of the Gyerre territory.�
��Are the back alleys really a good spot to take a walk?�
Cale wanted to ask that question, but held himself back.
�I happened to see some children pulling a carriage and going toward the corner of the slums.�
Cale looked toward Ron with confusion after hearing that children were pulling the carriage. Ron clarified his comments.
�They were husky children who seemed to be about 30 years old.�
��When did buff gangsters turn into children?�
Ron continued to speak as Cale sat there in silence.
�Anyway, I found those children interesting and chose to follow them. Of course, I did it stealthily so that they wouldn�t notice me.�
Cale ignored Freesia, who was looking toward Ron with a gaze of respect. JrNovels.com