��I will go get you a new one if you do not like it. Human, don�t eat it if you don�t want to. An apple pie from a not great and mighty Dragon like me is not great.�
Cale let out a sigh and took a bite of the apple pie. He couldn�t just throw away something given by a child.
Furthermore, he was too hungry.
His stomach felt completely empty.
�I could even pick up the dirt and eat it at this point.�
He really meant it.
The hunger became worse after the Vitality of the Heart and the Indestructible Shield fused together.
The two ancient powers didn�t necessarily, �fuse,� together. They were still separate powers. However, there was now a connection between the two powers. If the Indestructible Shield was a person, the Vitality of the Heart had become that person�s heart.
Munch munch.
Cale ate the apple pie as he opened the door to the underground prison.
He then stopped eating. He heard the sound of a whip.
Blood was being splattered onto the walls. A lot of blood must have been on the walls already, as you could not even tell that the new blood had landed on it.
�Ah, young master-nim, you�re here.�
Ron gently greeted Cale, however, he had a cold gaze as he looked at Cale from head to toe.
�Why is this old man�s gaze so cold?�
Cale felt small as Ron looked at him that way. He then became anxious.