The image of the battle that came along with the low voice of the man who had been at the forefront was a bit different.
Whose blood?
Cale asked the question and then answered it.
�The enemy.�
These nobles had not experienced war. They realized that the person in front of them was not simply a noble. The weight of the title of commander slowly started to seep into their minds.
�The Roan Kingdom�s enemy, the northeast region�s enemy, my enemy.�
Cale�s gaze then headed back toward the Count.
�As well as my people�s enemy.�
My enemy, but more importantly, my people�s enemy.
Those words stabbed into the Count�s ears like nails. The Count holding the agenda felt his hand starting to shake.
It was a warning.
My people.
It was a warning not to touch the sword master nor the necromancer.
Marquis Ailan who was watching this started to speak almost as if he was gasping.
��He�s a tree.�
A sturdy tree. One that never falters nor bows as it maintains its spot.
He should have realized this back during the capital�s Plaza Terror Incident.
The Marquis realized that Cale Henituse truly was an upright hero.