Chapter: 1753

Cale shared the plan he had of using both powers at once.

�Wouldn�t it be fine as long as other people think it is only one power?�

Cale looked down below.

He could see that the enemy was looking at the two undead wyverns. He could also see mages appearing on the decks.

He then recalled what that slightly crazy dude, Clopeh, had told him.

�Two of Arm�s red stars are mages. One is an old man, while the other is young. The young one looks a bit dumb, and he only seems to be good at attack magic.�

The ships were still heading toward them.

The mages standing on the decks of the ships were creating magic circles in the air.

The different magic circles showed that the Indomitable Alliance�s mages were preparing to use all different types of magic.

�Choi Han.�

�Yes, Cale-nim.�

Cale touched his wyvern�s neck and moved it forward. He flew past Choi Han and continued to speak.

�The greatest defense is a good offense.�

At that moment, Cale felt a vibration in the air.

It was coming from down below.

�Shoot more magic!�

�Attack level 1!�

The mages� manas shot up to the sky.

�I understand.�

Clang, Choi Han took out his sword.

�Mary, let�s go.�

Mary moved her hand as Choi Han whispered to the Black Bone Wyvern.

Choi Han�s body started to head down. Black aura appeared at the tip of his sword.
