However, that fire went out, leaving only death behind.
He then recalled the fiery thunderbolt from a moment ago.
It was surrounded by magic, but he felt pure fire underneath it.
There was a lot of a Dragon�s power as well.
�And even me, who had received a Dragon�s blood.
But this generation no longer has a red Dragon.�
He was certain of it.
�Is it possible?
Is there another person like me?�
A Dragon that had yet to go through its first growth phase was inexperienced. It didn�t know how to use its powers properly.
The Dragon half-blood was partly a Dragon as well. He naturally went through growth phases as well. Even a Dragon half-blood went through three growth phases, just like a normal Dragon.
He had gone through two growth phases. A Dragon that had yet to go through its first growth phase and a Dragon half-blood were easy prey for him. The mage started to laugh like a lunatic.
�Pwahahahah! Everything, really everything is showing up.�
The mage could see the water Dragon, the Black Bone Wyvern, Choi Han, and the many magic spells flying toward him from Castle Leona.
He then looked back toward Cale.
�I guess I need to get serious as well.�
Light started to shine from the Dragon half-blood mage�s body.
� Huh? Human! Something is weird!
Cale heard Raon�s shocked voice in his mind.
� That Dragon half-blood has not been using all of his strength until now.