The bandit�s pupils shook for a moment before he finally responded back.
�That, that is because our boss is a former slave.�
Cale�s pupils turned cloudy for a moment.
�That is why we kill any slave traders who we find traveling through the mountain.�
The bandit got scared after seeing Cale smile and quickly explained further.
�As for the slaves, we, uh, we let them go or let them join our group. I, I did not report that because that was a good deed and not a bad deed.�
Cale looked toward the bandit and casually remarked.
�What an oddly bad group.�
�Well, are bandits supposed to be good?�
The bandit could not understand Cale at all. However, Cale�s questions did not stop there.
�Tell me everything about this place and your organization.�
��Yes sir.�
Clank. clank.
The sound of the sword master clinking her sword in the scabbard made it impossible for the bandit to decline.
The morning sun was beating down on the bandit�s back, however, he could not help but feel extremely cold.
Cale listened to all of the information before starting to speak.
�So, what you are saying is that your organization is in control of this mountain which is called Mount Leeb. Your organization�s name is the Indomitable Bandits and the leader�s nickname is the Indomitable Ruler?�
�Yes sir.�
�What terrible naming sense.�
��Excuse me?�
Cale ignored the bandit�s shocked expression as he started to think.